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网站把我定为“轻度冒险者”。The site pegged me as a centric venturer.

以语音为中心的具有信息功能的手机的通用名。A generic name for voice centric mobile phones with information capability.

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若直线涡位于水简轴中心线附近,则轨迹为一个近似圆。If the vortex line is close to centric line of water tunnel the trace is nearly a circle.

主要针对芯模的固定和定模具分型面的位置进行了详细的分析、设计定型过程。The fix of centric die and the place of the parting face are mostly analyzed and designed.

选定的中心位置可根据需要相对于前突痕迹而移动。The selected centric position can be shifted as desired in relation to the protrusion trace.

防空导弹武器系统为了适应“网络中心战”,对多传感器参数融合进行了研究。According to the requirements of network centric warfare, multisensor data fusion was studied.

同这两项合同有关的工作将在美国德州McKinney的网络中心系统部门进行。The work under these two awards will be managed by Network Centric Systems in McKinney, Texas.

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着丝粒横裂和着丝粒并合及其在高等植物染色体进化中的意义。Centric fission, centric fusion and their significance in chromosomal evolution of higher plants.

以顾客为中心的市场营销和消费者所关心的服务是获取利润的关键所在。Customer- centric marketing, and consumers are concerned about the service is the key to profits.

奥巴马这套以国会为中心的做法对其政策的实施也会造成很大的威胁。Mr Obama's Congress- centric approach has also taken a serious toll on the quality of his policies.

对我来说,云计算最简单的解释就是将其描述为“以互联网为中心的软件”。For me the simplest explanation for cloud computing is describing it as, "internet centric software".

我们有两个主要的产品类别,一个是以文件为中心的应用,另一个是以数据库为中心的应用。We have two major categories of products, one is file centric apps and another is database centric apps.

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首先对人类中心主义和非人类中心主义的内容、派别做了理论概括,并分别阐述了两者的局限性。First of all, expounded the two limitations of the human-centric and non-human centric of the theoretical.

据该公司的业务代表表示,雷声公司网络中心系统部门已经交付了超过1800套的CIV系统。Raytheon Network Centric Systems has delivered more than 1,800 CIVs, according to a company representative.

本文用数学模型法预报了中心底吹气体搅拌的液态伍德合金流场。The flow field in liquid Wood's metal with centric gas bottom-blowing was predicted by a mathematical model.

入江的中间主义论述策略,因而未必适合以中立客观称之。Consequently, Iriye's centric discourse strategy is not appropriate to be described as neutral and objective.

在对径向基概率神经网络进行理论分析基础上,采用减法聚类方法确定它的隐中心矢量。On the basis of analyzing RBPNN in theory, subtractive clustering is used to determine its hidden centric vector.

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电梯群控系统遵循一组确定的派梯策略规则,对多台电梯进行集中统一的控制。EGSC obeys a certain rules of elevator-sending tactics and takes centric and unified control to all the elevators.

重申一遍,这是以右利手为基础的研究结论,如果你是右利手,那么语言功能便定位于左半球,而数学运算与音乐则定位于右半球Again, this is a right-handed centric thing but if you're right-handed, language on the left, math and music on the right.

多传感器是实现未来信息化陆战场“网络中心战”概念的一组必要的装备系统。Multisensor are the essential equipment to realize the concept of Network Centric Warfare in information land battlefield.