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凯瑞特说,他的政党永远不会同意印度成为“美国的小夥伴”。Karat says his party will never agree to become a "junior partner of the United States".

强烈控诉中国云南省丽江市玉龙县法院应该立案的案子不立案,且不出具不受理的裁决书!Charging that court of yulong county didn't accept my case and didn't karat finding book!

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强烈控诉中国云南省丽江玉龙县劳动局应当受理的案件不受理,且不出具不受理的行政决定书!Charging that working office of yulong county didn't accept my case and karat finding book!

强烈控诉中国云南省丽江玉龙县劳动局应当受理的案件不受理,且不出具不受理的行政决定书!Charging that working office of yulong county didn't accept my case and didn't karat finding book!

本文介绍了工程中采用的瓦斯突出、岩溶水突出、油气燃烧及地下水腐蚀的防治技术。This paper introduces control technologies for gas blower, Karat water gushing, oil and gas burn and corroding of groundwater.

在检验和称重,整理出一小堆黄金首饰后,Thomas告诉Rhodes“但是它们值些钱”。But they are worth something, Thomas tells her as she tests and weighs and creates little piles of gold jewelry based on karat.

这是一个精确度用机器制造的,优质24个克拉镀金的中奖的机会箱子与美好的金刚石工具蚀刻在边。This is a precision machined, high-quality 24 Karat gold-plated brass ring box with beautiful diamond tool etchings on the side.

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灰岩地区,建筑场地的岩溶勘察是个重要课题,也是工程界的一大难题。The prospection of karst is a major topic in karat terrain and construction site and it is also a difficult issue in the field of engineering.

这款甜点混合了世界上28种珍惜和具有异国情调的可可粉,生奶油,并且用黑松露装饰,里面还有23克拉可实用黄金。The dessert is made with a blend of 28 rare and exotic cocoas from around the world, whipped cream, black truffle shavings, and 23 karat edible gold.

本周早些时候,我曾经借用过一对33克拉的黑色钻石耳环,但后来又退了回去,不过现在我想,我一定要把这对耳环买回来,因为我实在太喜欢它们了。Earlier this week I was wearing a 33 karat black diamond ring on loan. I had to give it up. But I think I'm going to get it. I was so in love with it.

在和理查德伯顿离婚后,利兹泰勒出售了一个69多克拉的“泰勒-伯顿”钻石,并把筹得的资金用于在博茨瓦纳修建医院。Following her divorce from Richard Burton, Liz Taylor puts the 69-plus karat "Taylor-Burton" diamond up for sale to raise funds for a hospital in Botswana.

通过对广州地铁2、3、5、6号线经过地段的隐伏岩溶区地质条件的分析,提出地铁勘察、设计的方法和措施。Through the analysis of karat geological conditions of Guangzhou metro No. 2, 3, 5 and 6 number lines, the method and measures were proposed for metro survey and design.

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国家及各级政府正加大对岩溶研究的投入,北方岩溶研究面临着前所未有的大好形势,同时也肩负重大的责任。The state and governments at all levels are increasing investment in karat research, thus, northern karat research is facing both excellent situation and great responsibility.

利用贵州省遥感影像,在3S平台上获取了研究区喀斯特石漠图,分析了贵州省喀斯特石漠化现状。The present state of rocky desertification in Guizhou province is analysed according to remote sensing image and karat rocky desertification map is obtained through "3S" platform.