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楼台落雨,石板生烟。Rendezvous rain, smoke stone.

山映楼台明月溪。Moon River Mountain Rendezvous map.

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这次的约会还是少女阿梅丽号最先到达。The Young Amelia was first at the rendezvous.

这个夜晚也是浪漫约会的好时刻。This night is also made for romantic rendezvous.

他们下一步准备8月去奥兰多约会。They next plan to rendezvous in Orlando in August.

交会和对接还处在试验期。Rendezvous and docking is what is being experimented with.

我们明天下午在火车站会合。We'll rendezvous at the railway station tomorrow afternoon.

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交会对接任务,轨控易度非常除夜。Rendezvous and docking mission, orbit control very difficult.

他们将在希思罗机场的五角饭店碰面。Their rendezvous would be the Penta Hotel at Heathrow Airport.

事情,自然也包括去与木白会合,拿桃子。Things, naturally also includes to rendezvous with peach and white.

这一年春天,他在妻子与拉罗哲•马底欧幽会时出其不意地将他们捉了双。That spring he surprised his wife and Laroche-Mathieu at a rendezvous.

这个排向事先约定的沙漠中的会合点进发。The platoon made its way to the pre-arranged rendezvous in the desert.

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刘大为,山东诸城龙都街道人,1945年出生。Liu Dawei, Shandong Zhucheng Rendezvous street people, was born in 1945.

这次发射为中国首次空间交会对接铺平了道路。The launch paves the way for China's first rendezvous and docking mission.

列夫钦科的第一个接头地点规定在一家饭馆里,时间是中午。Levchenko's first rendezvous was supposed to occur at noon in a restaurant.

在航天器的近距离交会中,常采用C-W交会的方法。C-W rendezvous is frequently used at the short range rendezvous of spacecraft.

激光雷达可以作为空间交会对接过程中的相对导航敏感器之一。Ladar is one of the guidance sensors in the spacecraft rendezvous and docking.

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沙伦·阿格森的小队是在哪里与山姆·安德斯的抵抗小队汇合的?Where does Sharon Agathon's team rendezvous with Sam Anders's resistance team?

在与贺塞独处时,卡门诱惑贺塞在晚上与她幽会。Left alone with him, she entices José with suggestions of a rendezvous that night.

研究了标称飞行轨道最优交会点选取,交会时间与发射时间计算等问题。The ideal rendezvous time, launch time and rendezvous point in space were studied.