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淡化万圣节那可怕,令人胆寒生畏的部分。Downplay the scary, chilling, creepy, parts of Halloween.

国有的新闻报纸被下令对钱案进行低调处理。State-owned newspapers have been ordered to downplay the story.

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我们都忽视了爱情的危险一面,那些焦虑、失望。We as a society downplay the danger, the anxiety, and the disappointment.

他和其他中国学者并不看重李云迪和郞朗的明星光环。He and other Chinese scholars downplay Li Yundi's and Lang Lang's stardom.

我这么说绝非低估我们在世界各地的强大联盟关系。I say this in no effort to downplay our strong alliances around the world.

消极的人可能淡化你的想法,无视你,轻视你等等。Negative people tend to downplay your ideas, walk over you, patronize you etc.

高举“改革宗”在其它之上,是贬低了我们作为基督徒最基本的身份。To exalt "Reformed" uber alles is to downplay ourcentral identity as Christians.

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高举“改革宗”在其它之上,是贬低了我们作为基督徒最基本的身份。To exalt "Reformed" über alles is to downplay ourcentral identity as Christians.

眉毛线条也可以是直的,不用过于弯曲使脸显得不那么圆。It should also be straight and not too curvyto downplay the roundness of the face.

我们往往看轻了日积月累的小情绪,总想着要钓更大的鱼。We tend to downplay day-to-day irritations, thinking we've got bigger fish to fry.

于是我们无视来自理智的警告,继续享受我们皮肤上的温暖感觉。So we downplay the warnings from our factual mind and enjoy the warm sensation on our skin.

然而,部长登上他的飞机,试图淡化预算案投票的重要性。Aboard his plane, however, the secretary tries to downplay the importance of the budget votes.

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但是,不要低估它,哮喘能够让人们的生活更加困难,甚至致命。But don’t downplay it. Undiagnosed asthma can make life more difficult and could even be deadly.

他们能够加强积极的方面,忽视消极因素。They can will themselves to action, and reinforce the positive and downplay the negative matters.

回到美国后,我得有意识地做个决定,对在北京生活的这段日子,是说得夸张一点好呢,还是平淡一点好。On visits home I had to make a conscious decision whether to exaggerate or downplay the exoticism.

在那些日子里,美国新闻界对主题与之相反的事件也会适时报道,但往往会进行淡化处理。The US press in those days duly reported but tended to downplay events that told the opposite story.

从一开始,奥巴马就得到了媒体的支持,他们选择了忽视有关奥巴马的争论。From the start, Obama had ­support from the media, which chose to downplay controversies involving him.

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你无需自夸,但你也无需低估自己的成绩或为成绩感到抱歉。You don't need to brag, but you also don't need to downplay your accomplishments or apologize for them.

事实上,国务卿希拉里似乎在听证会上淡化朝鲜核威胁的分量。Indeed, if anything, Secretary Clinton seemed to downplay the nuclear threat from the North in her hearings.

太阳镜的曲线将会弱化脸部的棱角。镜架下方过平的话会使脸颊看起来更方。Curved shapes will downplay the angles of this face shape. Frames that are flat along the bottom can look boxy.