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扶贫贷款,1994年至今。For poverty alleviation loans 1994--now.

扶贫已成为印尼政府的一项重点工作。Poverty alleviation has become a priority for Indonesia.

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预防和缓解褪部静脉曲张症状。The prevention and the alleviation sheds the varicosity symptom.

推进扶贫开发的规范化建设。Standardizing the work of development-oriented poverty alleviation.

粮农组织的使命是处理粮食安全和减少贫困。The mandate of FAO is to address food security and poverty alleviation.

现阶段,以工代赈是一项农村扶贫政策。At the present time, welfare-to-work is a policy for rural poverty alleviation.

房县是国家级扶贫开发重点县。Fangxian County is the key county for nation to poverty alleviation development.

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改善治理可以带来生活水平的提高和扶贫成效。Improved governance leads to higher standards of living and poverty alleviation.

他在拉丁美洲待了很久,主要处理扶贫项目,spent a lot of time going to Latin America to work on poverty alleviation projects,

同时也分析了福州市热岛现象的成因,并提出一些缓解城市热岛效应的对策。At last, a case of Fuzhou city was studied and some alleviation measures were given.

结合扶贫开发工作推进减灾安居工程建设。Housing projects are pushed forward in combination with poverty alleviation efforts.

共产会员制也具有扶贫济困的慈善功能。The Communist VIP system also has the philanthropic function of poverty alleviation.

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他说,他和他的组织已经努力工作了36年来缓解贫穷。He said he and his organization have worked for 36 years for the alleviation of poverty.

该机翼具有双梁式结构和一个用于阵风响应减缓的主动控制面。The wing has a two-spar structure and an active control surface for gust response alleviation.

2002年,被确定为国家扶贫开发工作重点县。In 2002, were identified as key counties for national poverty alleviation and development work.

新的世纪,新疆扶贫工作已经进入了较艰巨的攻坚阶段。At the beginning of the new century, Xinjiang's poverty alleviation faces the severe challenges.

2002年被列为国家扶贫开发工作重点县。In 2002 the country was classified as key counties for poverty alleviation and development work.

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胃癌患者上腹部疼痛,通过按压也会有所缓解。The stomach cancer patient epigastrium ache, through will hold back will also have the alleviation.

新增资金将用于提高亚行减少贫困项目的进展速度和效率。The extra funds are to help with the speed and efficiency of the bank's poverty alleviation efforts.

中国愿积极支持和参与亚太经合组织防灾救灾领域合作。China will actively support and participate in APEC’s efforts of disaster prevention and alleviation.