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此外,抹布还要经常更换。In addition, the dishcloth to replace frequently.

所以抹布要时常拿出来晒一下,就能消灭大部分细菌。So the dishcloth to often take out, can destroy most bacteria.

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用抹布在溶液里浸泡,然后用抹布擦拭浮雕的全部表面。Use dishcloth soaking in solution, and then use dishcloth all the surface relief.

洗车用的抹布夹带的泥沙划伤车漆,也是原因之一。", " Wash with dishcloth entrainment of sediment scratches, the car paint is one of the reasons.

水槽内加设网架,可存放抹布及待洗的蔬果。Add inside cistern set net wearing, can deposit dishcloth to reach wait for washed vegetables and fruits.

比如是否可以直接用湿抹布擦拭壁纸表面,是使用者比较关心的。Whether can use wet dishcloth to wipe wallpaper surface directly for instance, the person that use cares quite.

比如是否可以直接用湿抹布擦拭壁纸表面,是使用者比较关心的。For example, the possibility of direct wet dishcloth being polished wallpaper surface, the user is more concerned about.

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或者在烫痕上涂一层凡士林油,隔两天再用抹布擦拭,烫痕即可消除。Perhaps besmear on very hot mark a petrolatum, lie between dishcloth of two days of reoccupy to wipe, very hot mark can be eliminated.

用一块干净的抹布放到牛奶里浸一下,然后用此抹布擦桌、椅、电视柜等,家具会很有光泽。With clean dishcloth puts the dip in milk, brush ark of desk, chair, TV to wait with this dishcloth next, furniture is met very luster.

一位车主用湿抹布猛擦车身,擦了两个多小时,热水、洗涤液都用上了,还能看出痕迹。One owner used a wet dishcloth went shining body, shining the more than two hours of hot water, washing fluids are used, but that traces.

清洁时可用拧干水的抹布或拖把擦洗,千万不要用水洗,也不能用湿漉漉的抹布或拖把清理。The rag that pigheaded dry water can use when cleanness or mop are swabbed , must not bathe, also cannot clear with damp dishcloth or mop.

可将适量的食醋加热,然后用抹布蘸些微热的食醋擦洗,油污很轻易就会“逃跑”。But will right amount feed vinegar to heat, dip in with dishcloth next of a bit heat feed vinegar to swab, smeary meet very easily " desert ".

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假如窗帘较脏,则可用抹布蘸些温水溶开的洗涤剂清洗,也可用少许氨水溶液擦抹。If the curtain is dirtier , usable dishcloth dips in the scour that leave cleans some of Wen Shuirong, hartshorn of usable also a few is brushed.

本期节目中我们探访了英国的一些家庭,了解当代英国是否还是女人扮演着这个传统的角色,还是男人已经开始拿起了洗碗布。We find out from UK households whether it’s always the woman because of traditional roles, or whether men are now willing to pick up the dishcloth.

过期发酸的牛奶不必倒掉,先用两倍的水将其稀释,再用抹布浸润后拧干,用力擦拭。Expire the milk of ache slightly need not fall, use the water of double first its dilute, after reoccupy dishcloth infiltrates, twist dry, wipe forcibly.

假如窗帘较脏,则可以用抹布蘸些温水溶开的洗涤剂清洗,也可用少许氨溶液擦拭。If the curtain is dirtier , can dip in with dishcloth the scour that leave cleans some of Wen Shuirong, solution of ammonia of usable also a few is wiped.

在清洁的时候可以用牙刷蘸上清洁剂,把玻璃凹处及窗沿的污垢清除掉,再用干净的抹布擦干净就可以了。At the time of cleaning detergents can be used toothbrush dipped in the glass volume and Chuangyan rid of the dirt, reuse clean dishcloth shining clean can.

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清洁龙头时不能用酸性或碱性液体,也不能用粗糙的抹布或钢丝球,否则会将龙头表面拉毛。Acidity or alkalescent liquid cannot be used when clean bibcock, also cannot use coarse dishcloth or steel wire ball, can pull bibcock surface hair otherwise.

如果窗帘较脏,则可用抹布蘸些温水溶开的洗涤清洗,也可用少许氨水溶液擦抹。If curtains more dirty, more available dishcloth dip in the temperature of washing soluble cleansing, but also a little ammonia water solution available dish.

而灰尘是由纤维、砂土构成的,这些细微颗粒在干抹布的往返擦拭摩擦中,轻易损伤家具的漆面。And dirt is formed by fiber, sandy soil, these subtle grain wipe attrition back and forth in what do dishcloth in, injure the lacquer face of furniture easily.