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四川火锅吃起来很辣。Sichuan Hotpot tastes very spicy.

我们去吃火锅怎么样?How about we go for hotpot dinner ?

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这是您第一次吃火锅吗?Is this your first time have hotpot?

我真的很有兴趣吃麻辣火锅。I am really in the mood for a spicy hotpot.

吃羊肉为什么会皮肤过敏?Why to eat hotpot to meet is the skin allergic?

每次我们聚会时都吃火锅,同时打他们!Everytime we get together, we eat Hotpot and beat them!

市中心区内最好的中餐海鲜火锅酒家。Best Chinese Seafood & Hotpot restaurant in Downtown area.

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演出举办方带我们去吃台湾海鲜火锅。The promotee took us out for a Taiwanese seafood hotpot dinner.

浓缩三鲜火锅底料,是我公司独家推出的新一代白汤火锅系列之一。It is one of new broth hotpot series launched only by our company.

这家火锅城虽说不敢说是正宗的,但都说这儿好。This Hotpot restaurant may not be authentic, but it has a good reputation.

贵阳三大毛肚火锅之一的老字号毛肚火锅。It is one of the three largest traditional schweinemagen hotpot in Guiyang.

人们总是在冬天吃火锅,但对我来说,我不分时候,想吃的时候就吃。People always eat hotpot in winter, but for me, I will have it whenever I want.

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胡志明市新城区富美兴最好的中餐海鲜火锅酒家。Best Chinese Seafood & Hotpot restaurant in New Saigon City Centre Phu My Hung area.

好,我知道商业区有一个吃火锅的好地方,那里的食物也很辣。Fine, I know a good hotpot place in the downtown area, food there is pretty spicy too.

当然,也有点了一煲鸡饭,还不错,不会有焦底的问题。Of course, we also have this hotpot chicken rice, the based is not overcook, quite ok.

本中心是四川唯一一家研究火锅技术的专业机构。The Centre is the only one on the Sichuan hotpot technology professional institutions.

大阪著名螃蟹火锅是不能不尝的,不仅肉味鲜美、入口爽滑,吃法也颇为讲究。Osaka crab is not famous hotpot taste delicious mutton, smooth, eat, also very exquisite.

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老北京火锅采用木炭劲火加热,烟雾从中间的迷你烟囱排出。Beijing hotpot features a large brass vessel heated by burning coals in a central chimney.

日常饮食中,注重少吃虾、蟹、牛肉、羊肉等食物,避免辛辣食物。In diet, the attention eats the food such as shrimp, crab, beef, hotpot less, avoid hot food.

火锅店选用的都是内蒙古的上等羊肉片儿。This hotpot shop uses superior quality sliced beef from the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.