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对于积极的方面,且让我强调一下。Let me accentuate the positive.

幸福伴侣总是强调积极的一面。Happy couples accentuate the positive.

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强调你自己妖娆女人的身段。Accentuate your curves and womanly body.

种植面积可能会加剧其美丽,太。Plantings can accentuate their beauty, too.

你打扮出门时强调一下这些特点。Then accentuate them as you dress to go out.

在“accent”一词的第一个音节上加重音符号。Accentuate the word “accent”on the first syllable.

赤黴酸也可加强雄性的倾向。Gibberellic acid may also accentuate the trend toward maleness.

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蝶形的太阳镜会凸显处心形脸的甜美。Butterfly shapes accentuate the sweetness of heart-shaped faces.

同时发生的腰、大腿和臀部肌肉的痉挛可加重病情。Coinstantaneous waist, ham and coxal sarcous convulsion can accentuate illness.

突出眼睛并呈现出它们的自然美很重要。It is important to accentuate your eyes and bring out the natural beauty in them.

哪一种压缩器设定最能突出小军鼓的瞬态?Which compressor settings will most accentuate the transient attack of a snare drum?

每种元素都需要适当照亮,以便艺术地突出设计和功能。Each element needs to be properly lit to accentuate the design and function artistically.

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最后一步在数据后面增加了一点渐变填充的背景色来突出数据。As a final touch, I add a little background gradient fill behind the data to accentuate it.

你的双鱼喜欢笑,并且会被你的乐观的态度所感染。Your Pisces loves to laugh and will be impressed by your ability to accentuate the positive.

另一个被Heroku和Morph实验室所推崇的重要特性是无痛部署。Another important feature Heroku and Morph Labs accentuate is the painless deployment you get.

如若对其视若无睹,听之任之,则会加重人们的性别偏见和社会的不平等现象。If on its turn a blind eye, laissez-faire, will accentuate the bias people and social inequality.

简单的生活将给你自由,将你从负债累累的生活中解放出来。If you start living life of simplicity, you will accentuate your freedom from the debt-ridden life.

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不断提到一起工作的同事似一家人,只会突出一种被抛弃、被欺骗的感觉。Constant references to the staff as "family" only accentuate the feeling of desertion and deception.

总的来说,我们认为大多数的情况并不能解决问题,反而是让问题变得更严重。On balance, we feel it is more likely to accentuate the capital-allocation problem than to solve it.

单一标准的青蓝色的家具突出了其质感和存在感。The monochrome, standardised cyan blue serves to accentuate the monumental qualities of the furniture.