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书虫式的环境保护主义正是戈尔先生的拿手好戏。Nerdy environmentalism is Mr Gore's forte.

这是最和缓的环保故事。It's the quietest story in environmentalism.

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在环境决定论中我们有三个重要的词汇,它们分别是分解、再利用和循环使用。The 3Rs of environmentalism are Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle.

理智的环境保护论对地球不感情用事。A sensible environmentalism does not sentimentalize the earth.

你的商业背景会影响你对环保的看法吗?Do you see environmentalism differently because of your business background?

如今,环境保护论,对那些有罪的消费者来说,成为了奢侈品。Environmentalism is currently marketed as a luxury brand for guilty consumers.

首先,企业的利益是否与环保相冲突?First, off, are the interests of businesses in conflict with environmentalism?

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我将继续支持一本沙县年鉴,并且转交实践的环境论。I would stick with A Sand County Almanac, and pass on Hands-On Environmentalism.

不可避免的,发展又与环保站在了对立面上。The inescapable fact is that development and environmentalism are mutually opposed.

“垃圾时尚”其实是环保主义和革新论的综合体现。Trashion is a philosophy and an ethic encompassing environmentalism and innovation.

环境保护论的未来寄托在从消费冲动中解放出来的人性身上。The future of environmentalism is in liberating humanity from the compulsion to consume.

环保的主题与利他使这一章书的不仅仅是一个鬼的故事。Themes of environmentalism and altruism make this chapter book much more than just a ghost story.

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你可以看到这种论点的,环境主义分叉,或者是人种学分叉。You can see ramifications of arguments of this sort for environmentalism as well as for ethnography.

你可以看到这种论点的,环境主义分叉,或者是人种学分叉。You can see ramifications of arguments of this sort for environmentalism as well as for ethnography.

环境保护论的话题既是学术资源,也是一个政治辩护的动机。The topic of environmentalism is both a source of scholarly interest and a cause of political advocacy.

但是,中国面临的问题是,环境保护主义在世界上其它地方都是一种自下而上的运动。The problem for China, though, is that environmentalism is a bottom-up movement in the rest of the world.

在理论的层次,环境正义与根源于自然中心主义的环境主义间,存在著难解的矛盾。At the theoretical level, there is an intrinsic conflict between EJ and non- Anthropocentric environmentalism.

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非感情用事的环境保护论是建立在普罗泰戈拉的“人是一切事物的尺度”的原则之上的。A non-sentimental environmentalism is one founded on Protagoras' principle that "Man is the measure of all things."

爱尔莫表示,一些公司可能会将环境保护列为公司宗旨的第一条,但在实际商业经营中却把它排在了最后一位。Environmentalism may come first in the company's mission statement, but it goes last in the business pitch, Elmore says.

“亮蓝”派为“进步的保守主义”奔走呼号,极力宣传环境保护主义及国际发展等事业。Bright Blue campaigns for "progressive conservatism" and pushes causes such as environmentalism and international development.