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痛悔是什么?What is contrition?

什么是上等痛悔?What is perfect contrition?

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什么是下等痛悔?What is imperfect contrition?

但是,布莱尔没有真正忏悔。But Mr Blair evinced no real contrition.

悔罪并不能决定政治秩序。Contrition cannot define a political order.

其五,引导网络主体不断“内省”和“慎独”。Fifth, guide network main body's contrition.

痛悔有真的,有假的,怎么分得出来?How can we know whether our contrition is true or false?

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为妥当修和,下等痛悔也够了么?Is imperfect contrition sufficient for a good Confession?

瑟曦终于懂得了真正的谦逊与悔恨是来之不易的。Cersei learns that true humility and contrition don't come easy.

“悔恨行为”一集中,多少飞行员在飞行甲板事故中受伤?。How many pilots wounded in the flight-deck accident in "Act of Contrition "?

布兰克费恩显然在尽力抚慰德国人,并表现出一定的悔悟。Blankfein was clearly trying to placate the locals and show some kind of contrition.

凭借律法在人内心所做的认罪悔改的工作,神将律法应用于福音事工。By giving people the law to work contrition in their hearts, God uses the law in the service of the Gospel.

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蟾蜍正翘腿倚在沙发上,听到这话,侧身掩面,全身抖动,痛悔地抽泣起来。Toad, who was on the sofa by this time, with his legs up, rolled over on his face, shaken by sobs of contrition.

下等痛悔使人因领洗、修和圣事,也能得赦罪的恩典。If we have imperfect contrition , we can get forgiveness of our sins through the sacraments of Baptism or of Penance.

所以为什么我在你的信中感到了悔恨,和不理解为什么你会遇到这些问题呢?So why do I smell a note of contrition in your letter, a reluctant understanding that it's you who's got the problem?

但是另外的日常日常观察表明,那些被发现的有权者很少表现出忏悔。But another everyday observation is that powerful people who have been caught out often show little sign of contrition.

我们欢迎悔罪和一定程度的透明度,在过去的四五年间这种透明度很大程度上并不存在。There was welcome contrition and a degree of transparency that has been largely absent for the past four or five years.

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毕竟,无论是通过网络或是其他途径,迟来很多很多年的忏悔行为有什么用?After all, how effective is an act of contrition -- whether proffered over the Web or otherwise -- that comes many, many years late?

这两个年轻人,光亮的平头,洗过、轮廓分明、显得卑微痛悔的脸,低着头表示认罪。The two young men, glossy hair crew cut, scrubbed clean-cut faces composed into humble contrition , bowed their heads in submission.

凡有死的危险,带着大罪又不得修和时,就该发上等痛悔,才救得灵魂。An act of perfect contrition is essential to save our souls, when being in danger of death and in a state of mortal sin we cannot go to Confession.