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这个人并不谦逊,但他伪装出一副很谦卑的样子。This man does not self- effacement at all, but he pretend to be like this.

原发性FSGS的形态学标志是足突细胞的足突弥漫性融合。The morphological hallmark of primary FSGS is diffuse effacement of podocyte foot processes.

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你的医生现在会每周检查一下你的进程,寻找扩张和收缩的迹象。Your doctor is checking your progression each week, looking for signs of dilation and effacement.

可见水肿和第四脑室的变窄,呗侧脑桥、中脑向左侧移位。There is edema and partial effacement of the fourth ventricle, dorsal pons , and mid brain on the left.

蛋白尿和肾病的患者的肾活检结果,绝大多数常会发现有足细胞足突消失。Renal biopsies of patients with proteinuria and kidney disease most often are associated with podocyte foot process effacement.

此外,以中文为母语的作者比英文为母语的作者更有权威性。The results indicate that authority, rather than self- effacement , may be used by Chinese writers to demonstrate group solidarity.

评分计算的依据是胎先露的位置和宫颈的扩张、消退、质地和位置。A score is calculated based upon the station of the presenting part and cervical dilatation, effacement , consistency, and position.

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事实上我没有去过特洛伊市,但我确实立刻发现,自多根差不多两个月前离世以来,对他的抹消是令人愤怒并具有启发性的。In truth I have not been to Troy but I do find the effacement of Dogan since his death almost two months ago at once offensive and instructive.

谢赫将通过充满了困难的一条道路提升他,通过敬拜真主训练他,并引导他到一种完全无我的状态。The shaikh will lift him up through a path filled with difficulties, train him through worship, and guide him to a state of complete Self- Effacement.

分娩的特征是频率、强度和持续时间足够的子宫收缩,使宫颈消退和扩张。A. Labor is characterized by uterine contractions of sufficient frequency, intensity, and duration to result in effacement and dilatation of the cervix.

受过教育的印度人的首要效果就是把印度社会传统和由来已久的信仰从头脑中完全地抹杀掉。The first effect of the draught on the educated Hindus was a complete effacement from their minds of the time-honoured beliefs and traditions of Hindu society.

个体德性完善的目标、对“仁爱”的依附以及淡泊的情感方式构成友爱的三个特点。The traditional fraternal love thoughts of China are characterized by individual morality development, the effacement to kindness and the emotional mode of hostility.

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皱纹的抹去很可能是因为诱导表达了大量可保水的葡糖胺聚糖以及升高的胶原含量等原因所引起的。Significant induction of glycosaminoglycan, which is known to retain substantial water, and increased collagen production are most likely responsible for wrinkle effacement.

子宫颈粘液栓——干净的,斑驳的,凝胶状的,像斑点的屏障,在整个孕期中保护着你的子宫颈——当子宫颈开始扩张或变薄时,偶尔会脱落。The mucous plug—the clear, globby, gelatinous blob-like barrier that has corked your cervix throughout your pregnancy—occasionally becomes dislodged as dilation and effacement begin.