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还有打击乐器And a percussion instrument.

是铜管乐器,有时是打击乐器The brass and sometimes percussion.

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这时一个打击乐器加入进来Then a percussion instrument came in.

中译是的,我已经学会胸部扣击了。Yes, I have learned chest percussion.

我们开始,这个是打击乐Let's just go--This is the percussion.

于是乎,第一个打击乐器诞生了。The first percussion instrument was born.

腹部叩诊常被省略。Percussion of the abdomen is often omitted.

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他在交响乐团演奏打击乐。He played percussion in a symphony orchestra.

他肚子叩诊上去浊音,并且蜘蛛痣。He has dullness to percussion and spider angiomas.

他们有一把低音吉他、一架钢琴、一管萨克斯和打击乐器。They had a bass and a piano and a sax and percussion.

为女高音,男低音,弦乐队和打击乐而作的第14交响曲。Symphony No. 14 for soprano, bass, strings & percussion.

晋剧音乐由唱腔、曲牌、打击乐组成。Jin opera is composed by aria, names of opera and percussion.

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表演时锣鼓烘托,插科打诨,喧呼成戏。Percussion performances contrast, gag, noise called into play.

坐在每支管弦乐队外围的是打击乐演奏者。Perching on the periphery of every orchestra is a percussion player.

春风得意马蹄疾。兔年里,愿你马不停蹄,奔腾前进!Percussion horseshoe disease. The rabbit years, wish you all, pentium!

从本质上来说,它是博普爵士和拉丁打击乐的混合。Essentially, it is a mixture of bop-oriented jazz with Latin percussion.

打击乐家是打鼓或其它打击乐器的演奏家。A percussionist is someone who plays drums or other percussion instruments.

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还有一些打击乐器如鼓、板等。Percussion instruments like drums and clappers are also sometimes included.

另一种是以唢呐为主,加上一组打击乐器。Suona another is the main, together with a group of percussion instruments.

马林巴琴有共鸣器的大型木…A large wooden percussion instrument with resonators, resembling a xylophone.