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这只劳力士表是真货。E. g. This Rolex is the real McCoy.

喂,这是麦考伊的办公室。Hello, this is McCoy 's office speaking.

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你摆弄那支枪可要当心。那是真枪啊。Careful how you handle that gun. It's the real McCoy.

喂,我是李先生,我想和麦考伊先生通话。Hello, this is Mr. Lee calling and I'd like to talk to Mr. McCoy.

赛跑才是真玩意儿--这些慢跑根本不算回事。Marathons are the real McCoy these little jogs are no challenge at all.

麦考伊被控以非法取走车辆的罪名,目前正等候审判。McCoy is charged with unlawfully taking the car, and is now awaiting trial.

一年级学生用塑料牙齿进行训练,其他人则要在真牙上一展身手。First-year students work on plastic teeth. Everyone else gets the real McCoy.

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我不要吃什么杂碎那一类的东西,我要吃真正地道的中国菜。None of that chopsuey stuff for me. I want genuine Chinese food, the real McCoy.

他加入了由麦考伊泰纳钢琴,吉米驻军低音和鼓埃尔文琼斯。He was joined by McCoy Tyner on piano, Jimmy Garrison on bass and Elvin Jones on drums.

我们还在等待其他俱乐部的消息,他们都已经表达了对麦考伊的兴趣。We are still waiting for the other club news, they have already expressed interest in the McCoy.

没错,这些明治时期的建筑物都是如假包换的真品,而非复制品!No doubt about what you seen here, these Meiji-era buildings are the real McCoy and not imitations!

麦科伊表示,成功的关键在于持续不断地为重建伊拉克长期失修的设施提供资金。The key to success is sustained investment to repair Iraq’s long-neglected infrastructure, McCoy said.

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迪克麦考伊和他的妻子蕨类植物也得到他们的驾驶福特Mustang去野马俱乐部会议。Dick McCoy and his wife Fern also enjoyed driving their Ford Mustang and going to Mustang club meetings.

麦考伊和其他公共卫生专家表示,艾滋病检测必须成为医疗卫生的正常部分。Rodney McCoy and other public health professionals say HIV testing has to become a usual part of health care.

可以预计,当"真正的"本拉登仍然徘徊在巴基斯坦的荒山秃岭之间时,会有无数的关于另一个本拉登被杀死的报导。Expect endless claims that a bin Laden double was killed while the real McCoy still haunts Pakistan’s badlands.

那个用鸭肝做的头吃起来真正点。它吃起来比用罐子装的那些鸭肝头好起多了。The duck liver pate was the real McCoy. It tasted so much better than the stuff in tins they call duck liver pate back home.

阿茂德特和麦考伊认为,按摩治疗师、护士和家庭健康助手也是离婚风险高的职业。The marriages of massage therapists, nurses and home health aides were also at high risk for divorce, according to Aamodt and McCoy.

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赛马美联社麦科伊庆祝推后不要在大国家在安特里赛马场障碍赛在它赢得利物浦4月10日。Jockey AP McCoy celebrates after winning on Don't Push It at The Grand National steeplechase at Aintree Racecourse in Liverpool April 10.

报导说,警方从麦考伊先前传送到这名女子手机的照片中认出他的身分,以及他的电话号码。The Daily Tribune of Royal Oak reports that police identified McCoy by a photo he'd sent to the woman's cell phone, and his phone number.

在和广东宏远的总决赛争夺中,麦考伊展现了自己火爆的脾气,险些和对方的后卫李群发生冲突。And the Guangdong Hongyuan in the final for, McCoy has demonstrated its popular temper, and the other nearly the defender Li Qun conflict.