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收藏新手们如何在这重重森林中找对路子呢?So how does the neophyte collector find his or her way through this jungle?

第一次参加驴行活动者被称为新驴。When people attend a donkey tour at first time, a neophyte is called 'a new donkey'.

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过程是这样一种魔法,不能被留给一个侍僧或成像新门徒。The process is the kind of magic that can't be left to an acolyte or imaging neophyte.

而特朗普则是一位对填补自身知识空白不感兴趣的70多岁的新手。Mr Trump is a 70-year-old neophyte with no interest in rectifying the gaps in his knowledge.

如果选择了一般RPG角色,会从等级一的初始角色开始,去经历Ascalon的故事。If you choose the former, you start out as a first-level neophyte on a foreboding day in Ascalon's history.

意思是只要他有物质身体,他便应继续充当初习奉献者。The idea is that he should always continue to act as a neophyte devotee as long as his material body is there.

令人担忧的是,至少像我这样的集装箱船的新手,全球最大的船似乎只有19个船员。Alarmingly, at least for a container-ship neophyte like myself, the world’s biggest ship seems to have a crew of only 19.

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在这个阶段,新信徒会开始真正的战役,去对抗较低的自我,一位士兵活跃地与真正的敌人作斗争。At this stage the neophyte starts the real battle against his lower self, a solider is one actively struggles with the real enemy.

有时,公司管理层会想‘既然我哥们对这个职务轻车熟路,谁还会愿意去培训一个菜鸟?’In some cases, the executive thinks 'Who wants to train a neophyte when I've got a buddy who already understands what the job is?'

最近我们也经常看到,加尔文主义的新手们已经开始领悟到这点,就是古典改革宗对“与基督联合”的强调是非常丰富的。Just as often these days, neophyte Calvinists have begun to realize the wealth of classical Reformed emphasis on union with Christ.

正因为如此,这个伊利诺洲的资浅参议员才能从实力雄厚的克林顿领导集团中虎口余生,获得民主党总统候选人提名。This condition allowed a neophyte senator from Illinois to seize his party’s nomination from the jaws of the formidable Clinton machine.

奥巴马是一位变革型的领袖,鲍威尔温和地说道,而他的老朋友麦凯恩却错误地选择一位没有政治经验的新手作为竞选伙伴。Mr Obama is a “transformational figure”, he mildly said, and his old friend John McCain had erred in choosing a neophyte as a running-mate.

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而希拉里.克林顿阵营又曾一度反击过奥巴马,说他不过是心慈手软初出茅庐的小子,说他过于心急口快而对像马哈茂德.艾哈迈迪.内贾德这样的危险而看似彪悍的敌人束手无策而不敢说一个不字。The Clinton camp retorted that Mr Obama was a soft-hearted neophyte who was too eager to talk to dangerous strongmen, such as Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

剧本是由澳大利亚新人剧作家克里斯托弗威克斯撰写的,他的成功完全是碰运气,只是通过维基百科宣传他的剧本。The script was written by Aussie neophyte Christopher Weekes, who knocked it out entirely on spec, relying solely on Wikipedia to inform the process.

他借此表明,游历美国西部的过程如何使叙事人逐步成熟,从没有主见、观念狭隘的青涩年华走向更有智慧、更灵活、观察更敏锐的老成世故。He thus could show how travels in the American West matured the narrator from a credulous, narrow-minded neophyte into a wiser, more flexible, and much more observant man of the world.

你一到达,就会有卡瓦酒来招待你,卡瓦酒似斐济传统的饮品,依我看这个饮品就像消毒剂的味道和放了一个月之久的洗碗水差不多,有一点温和的麻木感觉,有止痛效果。When visiting a village, you are expected to arrive bearing a large, grubby kava root. Kava is Fiji's traditional drink, which, in my neophyte opinion, tastes of disinfectant and month-old dishwater.