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并讨论了今后的发展趋势。The further progress of VFD is discussed.

变频器的能接受的最高温度是多少?What's the highest temp that VFD can run properly?

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适用范围VFD显示器件用系列吸气剂是一种蒸散型钡铝镍吸气剂。Introdution VFD getters are evaporable Ba-Al-Ni ones.

无排气管VFD排气机是生产无排VFD的关键设备。VFD Exhauster without vent is a key machine to VFD equipments.

动感VFD显示屏,随心调控生活每一度。Dynamic VFD display screen enables to control temperature at your options.

可调式节压轮及独立变频调速,工作速度稳定。The adjustable pressure roller and the independent VFD make the speed stable.

同时给出基于SEP3203微处理器的VFD控制器PT6311中断方式的驱动程序。The device driver based on interrupt of VFD controller PT6311 on SEP3203 is given.

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操作便捷,电脑屏上操作功能显示VFD荧光指示。Handle easily. There are operation function display and VFD fluorescence instruction.

随着火焰视觉特征模型的不断完善,视频火焰检测方法的研究得到发展。As the improvement on visual feature model of fire, many VFD systems have been developed.

投运国内第一台同步电动机H桥串联型高压变频装置。The first manufacturer of synchronous machine H bridge series connection MV VFD in China.

这款集成了STANDBY待机功能的VFD驱动芯片,已经在市场上显示出了较大的竞争优势。Such VFD controller-driver integrated STANDBY function has showed a relative great competition advantage.

点阵式图形VFD亮度高、视角大、光线柔和,已得到了广泛应用。The dot array graphic type VFD has been widely used because of its strong light intensity, wide visual angle and soft light.

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交流变频电驱动钻机采用VFD驱动和数字控制技术,可简化绞车结构,提高钻机性能。AC VFD rig adopts VFD and digital control technology, simplifying the drawworks structure and improving the rig's performance.

由于采用了VFD荧光显示,使各种指示值、设定值及状态显示值都能清楚易见。Adopt VFD display make various kinds of person who point out , person who establish and status display value can clear easy to meet.

输送机驱动马达应每VFD电气规格与编码器,齿轮箱,联轴节,安装硬件的完整驱动。The conveyor motor shall be driven by a VFD per the Electrical Specification complete with encoder, gearbox, couplings, and mounting hardware.

针对国内外VFD的应用和生产的现状,从提高显示质量和便于使用的角度,指出我国VFD发展的几个问题。After studying the application and production of the different worldwide VFD products, several questions are pointed out to make high quality VFD.

因此采用不同的参数,VFD模型既可以用于短时间内的振动响应分析,也可以用于长时间的储存应力分析。The VFD model can be used not only in short time vibration analysis but also in long period storage relaxation calculation so long as different parameters are adopted.

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该文详细介绍了它的驱动性能、设计原理、工作过程及时序特性,并给出了LW16312应用在空调领域的显示模块系统。On this paper we have described its driving ability, design principle, working process and timing character. At last, the paper shows an air-condition VFD display module system.

本文从世贸中心大厦的中央空调水系统参数的实际测量及计算出发,计算分析在本系统运行变频控制的技术可行性。Based on the measurement and calculation of the parameters of water system in World Trade Center, this paper analyzes the technical feasibility of applying VFD to the water system.

讲述了水下航向姿态数据采集、深度数据采集、存储器、VFD显示系统以及上位机软件的各部分功能,简单介绍了有关芯片。Paper narrates the functions of the underwater attitude data collection, depth data collection, memory and VFD display system as well as the software, simply introduces relevant chip.