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他们花时间在掷骰子赌博上。They spent time dicing.

我们共度了一个星期。We spent a week together.

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我在伦敦过了一宿。I spent a night in London.

我花了10元钱买这支钢笔。I spent 10 yuan on the pen.

夜未央。The night is not yet spent.

哇塞,你今日帅呆了。Wase, you spent cool today.

去年我们在那里过冬。We spent last winter there.

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他在海浜度过一天。He spent a day at the beach.

我在部队呆过三年。I spent 3 years in the army.

我公馀时间读书以消遣。I spent my off-hour reading.

她一总花了五十元。She spent fifty yuan in all.

大家开开心心地度过了愉快的一天。We happily spent a happy day.

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伯格斯则关了一个星期的禁闭。Bogs spent a week in the hole.

他把挣的钱全花光。He has spent all his earnings.

花艳如雁,一飞即逝。Yan Yan spent as a fly or die.

我花二十元钱买了这支笔。I spent 20 yuan buying the pen.

我花了5元在那本书上。I spent five yuan on that book.

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我在这本书上花了五元钱。I spent five yuan on this book.

我孤身过了两年。I spent two years being lonely.

节省原本你要花出的钱。Save what you would have spent.