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一种为传统的自给自足的观点。One kind is the viewpoint of traditional autarky.

假设经济从自给自足变成可进行贸易,公司的需求曲线移至。Suppose the economy moves from autarky to trade, and the firm's demand curve shifts to.

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任何一个认为经济独立是通向粮食安全之路的人都应该看看饥饿的朝鲜。Anyone who believes autarky is the route to food security should look at starving North Korea.

中世纪早期的西欧庄园经济基本上是自给自足的自然经济。In the early middle ages, it was the autarky that dominated the manor economy in western Europe.

长期以来,农业一直处于分散、落后、自给自足的自然经济之中。Long-term since, in the natural economy that agriculture is in dispersive, backward, autarky all the time.

内容提要自给自足和专业化分工是组织经济两种不同的方式。Autarky and division of labor based on specialization are two very different patterns of organizing economy.

印度自给自足的的白痴政策是多少在“盲目模仿”西方的生活方式么?Were Indians “mindlessly aping” Western lifestyles more or less when India had its idiotic policy of autarky?

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世界贸易下降的数据对任何人都是可怕的,当然反对全球化倡导自给自足的人除外。Figures on the decline in world trade are horrible for anybody except anti-globalisation advocates of autarky.

巴基斯坦日益增强的自给自足意识使得他们在同美国谈判时过高地估计了自己。Pakistanis' growing sense of autarky has led them to overplay their hand in negotiations with the United States.

农户家庭日常生活消费,在传统经济条件下主要依靠自给自足的方式进行。Daily life consumes farmer family, the kind that basically counts autarky below traditional economy condition undertakes.

自给自足从来没有自愿中国社会主义条件下的政策,而是外部强加的制裁是冷战。Autarky has never been voluntary Chinese policy under socialism but rather an externally imposed sanction of the Cold War.

某些西方国家对接连发生的货币与能源方面失调的反应使其老政策的幽灵复活了。The reactions of some Western countries to successive currency and energy disorders have resurrected the spectre of autarky.

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这种经济也可称为“自给自足的经济”,在历史上有很多例子,但是在现代经济中很少见。There have been many examples of closed economies throughout history, but very few closed economies exist today. also called autarky.

其奥秘就在于独创的“生态模拟水宇宙”,一套自给自足的水分循环系统。Its mystery depends on original creation " universe of zoology imitate water " , the water of an autarky distributes circulatory system.

市场社会中的私有财产的含义与每个家庭自我满足系统下的私有财产是根本不同的。The meaning of private property in the market society is radically different from what it is under a system of each household's autarky.

但中国政府的领导人废弃了中央计划经济和自给自足的政策,而以外商投资和当地经济着手,并由其促进的以出口为导向的经济增长方式取而代之。But China’s leaders then abandoned central planning and autarky in favor of export-led growth fueled by external investment and local initiative.

我们发现在一个小型开放的经济体系中,只要自给自足长期均衡的相对价格与世界相对价格不同时,则会出口具有比较利益的财货。We find that as long as its autarky steady state price differs from the world price, a small open-economy will export the goods with comparative advantage.

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人们反对金本位,因为他们要以国家自给自足取代自由贸易,以战争取代和平,一极权主义政府的无所不能取代自由。People fight the gold standard because they want to substitute national autarky for free trade, war for peace, totalitarian government omnipotence for liberty.

而本世纪初,中国却似乎成为了这片舞台的主角,自从1978年其封闭经济终结至今,中国已有2亿5千万人脱离了贫困。At the turn of this century, it looked as though China would have the field pretty much to itself, having brought 250m out of poverty since its autarky ended in 1978.

希特勒经济计划的主要野心就是扩展德国的边界以使其能自给自足,这就意味着对进口构筑巨大的保护主义壁垒。It was the major ambition of Hitler's economic program to expand the borders of Germany to make autarky viable, which meant building huge protectionist barriers to imports.