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吃走你的忧郁。Eat away your blues.

这就是一个布鲁斯歌者。That makes a blues man.

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你想要挥散郁闷吗?Want to shake the blues?

亲爱的蓝调蒲友!Dear Friends of blues Po!

处可无节日过后的忧郁情绪。No post-holiday blues here.

你偏爱灰、蓝系列色彩吗?Do you prefer grays and blues?

我最喜欢的音乐种类是蓝调。My favorite music genre is blues.

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这场比赛对于蓝军来说,是场非赢即输的比赛。It is victory or bust for the Blues.

我们第一首歌是布鲁斯歌曲。Our first song will be a blues song.

那么,你要怎么抗击冬季抑郁呢?So how do you beat the winter blues?

一点也不可笑,我把悲伤唱走了。Not at all, I had sung my blues away.

飞机飞行在蓝天上。She has been in the blues these days.

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下雨天总是使我心情抑郁。A rainy day always gives me the blues.

美国和欧洲遭遇夏季中期的低迷。US &Europe suffering mid-summer blues.

蓝鲶是何时被引入到弗吉尼亚的?When were blues introduced to Virginia?

这就是所谓的“假日后遗症”。That's what we call "post-holiday blues".

这间房子被装饰成灰色和蓝色的。The room was decorated in greys and blues.

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他们演奏蓝调的技巧无人能敌。They play the blues like nobody's business.

她穿粉色、蓝色和黄色都很漂亮。She is stunning in pinks, blues and yellows.

他关于蓝调的论文可是货真价实的原作。His thesis on the orgin of blues is original.