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基本的狼基因带是如何衍生出如此繁多的犬类的?How does the basic wolf tape give rise to the cavalcade of canines?

女王的行骑兵队有一位骑兵和几十个辆装束精致的马车。The queen's cavalcade included a mounted guard and dozens of fancy carriages.

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当时,美国人面临着一系列的危机,此外还有信心危机。Now, at the time, Americans faced a cavalcade of crises and a crisis of confidence.

若是只看每天发布的各种经济数据,你得到的结论将是各种各样。You could conclude just about anything from the daily cavalcade of economic statistics.

爵离婚,掀开了王室一桩桩失败婚姻的序幕。Later, her own divorce from Lord Snowdon heralded a cavalcade of failed royal marriages.

行李连续不断地从佛罗伦斯无所不闻的鼻子下通过,其中有一个毫不起眼的硬皮手提箱。Among the cavalcade of luggage passing beneath Florence's all-smelling nose is a nondescript hardback suitcase.

该片云集了中国众多明星,他们中许多人只出演了配角,担当曾在历史舞台上粉墨登场的政治人物。It features a cavalcade of Chinese stars, many in cameo roles as political figures who played their part in history.

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在胎儿监护、产前诊断技术、新生儿疾病筛查等处于领先行列。Technology, new student is diagnosed in fetal custody, antenatal disease sieve is checked etc be in banner cavalcade.

殷切期望广大读者以此为契机,踊跃投入到探索者的行列中来吧。Be on the tiptoe of expectation is broad the reader is chance with this, be thrown in the cavalcade of searcher to come eagerly.

警察做了场十足的秀,交通管制,“清空街道”,以便希拉里的队伍在城市中穿叉往来。The police made a big show of stopping what little traffic there was to make way for the Clinton cavalcade as it crisscrossed the city.

出于相同理由,数百人已经把府南河畔的交叉的步道变成了红白蓝三色帐篷的队列。So, too, are the hundreds of people who have turned the leafy promenade along the city's Funan River into a cavalcade of red-white-and-blue tarps.

七大国际唱片公司中的百代和金牌早早退出了原告的行列,而选择了共同合作的双赢模式。The 100 generation in company of record of 7 big international and gold exited the cavalcade of accuser early, and those who chose coact is double win mode.

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音乐行家队伍中非常有才华的演艺家们最有影响力的演出往往可能出乎人们意料之时。In a cavalcade of very talented performers from all walks of musicianship , perhaps one of the most impressive performances was delivered by the most unexpected.

很少有人预料到拉斯维加斯内华达大学的一年级前锋安东尼·本内特会成为本年度的选秀状元,这位年轻的高个子穿着整洁的西装,却戴着棒球帽。Few expected University of Nevada, Las Vegas freshman forward Anthony Bennett to start the annual draft cavalcade of young tall men in nice suits and goofy baseball hats.

标志性的加拿大皇家骑警成员加入了美国的处女红地毯在多伦多皮尔逊国际机场时的摄影师卡弗尔凯德。Members of the iconic Royal Canadian Mounted Police joined a cavalcade of photographers for the red-carpet arrival of Virgin America at Toronto's Pearson International Airport.