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棕色还是白色?Brown or white?

熊熊说道,“一只大棕熊。”A big brown bear.

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这只熊是褐色的呀。This bear is brown.

公牛,公牛,壮壮的,棕色的。Ox ox. Big and brown.

粉红色,搭配棕色边饰。Pink with brown trim.

我叫迪克·布朗。My name is Dick Brown.

布郎先生,唱一首歌吧。Sing a song, Mr Brown.

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他喜欢穿咖啡色的。He likes to wear brown.

哈罗。布朗先生在吗?。Hello. Is Mr. Brown in?

公牛,公牛,壮壮的,棕色的。O ox ox, Big and brown.

和褐色地的一只母马.A mare with brown spots.

他的名字叫柯林·布朗。His name is Colin Brown.

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它的毛是浅棕色的。It has light brown hair.

她把头发染成咖啡色。She dyed her hair brown.

棕色中等尺寸的拉杆箱。It's a brown middle size.

布朗夫人租给我一间房。Mrs. Brown let me a room.

棕色的盒子,方又方。Box box, Square and brown.

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他把面包递给布朗。He passed Brown the bread.

他们家只有一头老黄牛。They had an old brown cow.

小枝红色或暗褐色。Gules or rod is dark Brown.