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斯蒂格利茨也批评了美国政府对几家大型银行所施行的数十亿美元舒困方案。He also criticized the U.S. government's multibillion dollar rescue of the leading banks.

然而许多人预计,市场不会回到零售蓬勃发展年代时动辄数以十亿美元计交易的盛况.However, many do not expect a return to the multibillion dollar deals from the boom years of retail.

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不过,现年25岁的扎克伯格似乎想让百亿美元推迟到帐。Yet Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg, now 25, seems intent on deferring that multibillion dollar payday.

那麽,为什麽那些有数十亿美元资产的药妆企业并未依此资讯采取任何行动来改进呢?So, why is it that the multibillion dollar cosmetic and toiletry industry has not acted on this information?

如果澳纽银行成功收购,分析师预计它发射了数十亿美元的人权问题,以帮助支付交易。If ANZ was successful in a bid, analysts expect it to launch a multibillion dollar rights issue to help pay for the deal.

唐经纳和安德鲁·W·米切尔认为,要想在十年内将滥砍乱伐现象减少一半需要从现在起投入数十亿美元的资金。To halve deforestation within a decade, a multibillion dollar injection is needed now, write Donald P Kanak and Andrew W Mitchell.

我与Maya的几分钟能改变我们数十亿美元的美容美发业、那些贬抑女性的真人秀、我们的疯狂追星的文化吗?Will my few minutes with Maya change our multibillion dollar beauty industry, reality shows that demean women, our celebrity-manic culture?

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出席近期全球性会议的领导人一致同意支持一项数十亿美元计划,以增强低收入国家的农业和粮食安全性。Leaders at recent global gatherings agreed to back a multibillion dollar initiative to boost agriculture and food security in low-income countries.

通过阻止罗氏公司引进竞争性的药品,这个结果将帮助安进公司保护其数十亿美元的贫血药物特许权。The outcome could help protect Amgen's multibillion dollar anemia drug franchise in this country by blocking Roche's plan to introduce a coming medicine.

他是帮助摇摇欲坠的新兴市场经济复苏的多个数十亿美元项目的幕后策划者,其中包括抗击1997年亚洲金融危机。He was the brains behind several multibillion dollar packages to bail out ailing emerging market economies, including in the Asian financial crisis of 1997.

数十亿美元的C-130航电现代化计划,以AMP闻名,违反了Nunn-McCurdy章程的限制,该章程覆盖了武器每单位的增长成本。The multibillion dollar C-130 Avionics Modernization Program, known as AMP, breached limits set by the Nunn-McCurdy statute, which caps per-unit cost growth for weapons.

KKR的这一行动正值私人直接投资行业面临交易低谷期,因去年的信贷紧缩切断了涉及资金规模达数十亿美元的廉价融资渠道,而这正是并购交易所赖以生存的根本.The move comes as the private equity industry faces a drought of deal-making as last year's credit crunch shut off the cheap financing that fueled multibillion dollar takeovers.

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现在很多国家发展本国旅游和观光事业,有人认为这对国家之间的交流和文化联系是有很大的帮助的,但也有人认为这造成了本国的环境污染的问题,你的看法?Tourism is a multibillion dollars industry that supports economic development, some people think that it causes damage to local environment and culture, so what is your opinion?

该工厂占地14万平方英尺、拥有数十亿美元的设备,从2002年中期开始运转,是世界上第一家全自动半导体制造研发厂家。The 140,000 sq. ft. , multibillion dollar facility, which went operational in mid-2002, is the first fully automated semiconductor manufacturing and development facility in the world.

纳吉政府的形象已经被贪污丑闻缠上了,其中涉及到巴生港数十亿的项目由于管理不善,安插自己亲信而拖延。His government’s image is already dented by corruption scandals, including a multibillion dollar project at Port Klang that has been dogged by accusations of mismanagement and cronyism.

迪拜请求暂定偿还数十亿美元的债务,这已经引发了对全球其他经济体债务拖欠的担忧,如此一来可能会扰乱初见好转的经济形势。Dubai's request for a repayment standstill on its multibillion dollar debts has sparked fears of debt defaults in other parts of the global economy which could derail the nascent recovery.

过去的10年中,人们用以提高生活质量或者延缓老龄症状的生活用药已经为制药公司赚取了数十亿美元的利润。In the past 10 years, lifestyle drugs -- which improve the quality of life or alleviate the symptoms of old age -- have grown into a multibillion dollar business for pharmaceutical companies.