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英语就是这样一种国际的通用语。English is such an international lingua franca.

Dzongkha是不丹的民族语言,是一种混合语。Dzongkha is the national language and lingua franca.

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HTML5是这门通用语言的最新版。HTML5 is the latest iteration of this lingua franca.

在德语区内,通用的是德文与德语。In the German-speaking areas, German is the lingua franca.

微笑,是一句不学就会的世界通用语。Smile, is one of the world will not learn the lingua franca.

这确保了所有代理均具有某些格式的通用语。This ensures that all agents have some form of lingua franca.

仍然是开发人员在白板上的、被广泛研究的“通用语”。Widely studied still the "lingua franca" of developers on whiteboards.

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通用语。英语将作为一种通用语被世界上四分之一人口所使用。English will be the Lingua Franca for one quarter of the world's population.

这一切的背后,吉尔吉斯斯坦通用语言却是俄语。Behind all this lies the reality that the lingua franca in Kyrgyzstan is Russian.

闪开吧,英语。如今在香港,普通话正迅速的成为一门新的通用语言。Move over, English. In Hong Kong, Mandarin is fast emerging as a new lingua franca.

她以天顶星通用语讲了几个词组,告诉其余人自己读到的内容。In a few terse Zentraedi lingua franca phrases, she told the rest of them what she read.

印度变得很不一样,电影成了它的通用语言和宗教。India is so disparate that cinema became the national lingua franca and its national religion.

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同时方言也以自己特有的力量和方式影响着共同语的变化。Meanwhile, dialects influence the change of lingua franca with its own peculiar strength and manner.

普通话人群又将跃居第一,还是英语作为全球通用语独占鳌头?Will Mandarin speakers come roaring back into the lead?Or will English reign as the global lingua franca?

普通话人群又将跃居第一,还是英语作为全球通用语独占鳌头?Will Mandarin speakers come roaring back into the lead? Or will English reign as the global lingua franca?

在世界诸多语系和语种中,混合语、洋泾浜和克里奥尔语等“边缘”语言不为大众所了解。Among a large variety of languages in the world, lingua franca, pidgin and Creole are hardly known to the public.

通用语这个术语也可以被进一步引申,用来指代作为贸易或交流媒介的其他类型的语言。The term lingua franca can be generalized to refer to any other language used as a trade or communication medium.

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有人争论称要赋予印度语言更大的重要性,其他人则拥抱英语,把其视为全球通用语。Some argue for more importance to Indian languages, others for embracing English, seeing it as a global lingua franca.

通过企业兼并以及国际投资,作为全球化商业的结果,英语已经成为一种通用媒介。As a result of the globalization of business through mergers and international investment, English has become a lingua franca.

仔细选择你的话在一个对话者生产所需的反应是,毕竟,外交的通用语言。Choosing your words carefully to produce the desired response in an interlocutor is, after all, the lingua franca of diplomacy.