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林先生是位技术纯熟的外科医师。Mr. Lin is a dexterous surgeon.

那我们就来看看你怎么使巧劲儿。Let's see how dexterous you are.

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不过这次应该就会使巧劲儿了。But this time, I'll know how toe dexterous.

这位作者简洁的文字做到既洗练又有邪恶的暗示。The author's laconic prose manages to be both dexterous and sinister.

用什么测试任务可以评价一个灵巧的行为?What is a good benchmark suite of tasks for evaluating dexterous behavior?

提出了一种控制多指灵巧手稳定抓持物体的新方法。A method is proposed for the stable grasping control of the dexterous hand.

主要研究灵巧手和物体滚动接触时运动规划。The motion planning of rolling manipulation using dexterous hand is studied.

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学校女生们用灵巧的双手去编织中国花结和奥运会的会徽。Schoolgirls braid Chinese knots, the Olympic emblem, with their dexterous hands.

设计一种双位置闭环模糊控制器,用于多指灵巧手的位置控制。A double closed loop fuzzy control scheme for multi fingered dexterous hand is presented.

抓持规划是灵巧手主从抓持的核心问题。Grasp planning is the most important subject of the master-slave dexterous hand grasping.

手指的位置控制是灵巧手进行力控制和多指协调等操作的基础。Finger position control is base of force control and dexterous manipulation with multi-finger.

我们如何设计控制算法来解决灵巧操作中存在的不确定性?How do we design control algorithms for dexterous manipulation in the presence of uncertainty?

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无论如何,从灵活性的角度来看舌头可能是最强的,但是它的力量是不能和小腿肌这样的肌肉相提并论的。However dexterous it may be though, its power does not match that of muscles such as the soleus.

文化、艺术、饮食、建筑,无一不显示出顺德人民的精湛手工和灵巧心思。Culture, art, diet, architecture, and every aspect shows the superb handiwork and dexterous thought of Shunde's people.

秀嫂手巧,学得快,又有老汉儿亲传,做出来的伞绝对不比分水厂的伞差。Because she is dexterous and tutored by her own father, her umbrellas are by no means inferior to those made by Fenshui Umbrella Factory.

卡罗琳以她的细致、和蔼和灵巧的能动性来帮管家和女佣的忙,顿即带来了无穷的好处。The delicate good-natured and dexterous acting which Caroline brought to the aid of the housekeeper and maids did a world of good at once.

手动油桶搬运车设计新颖,结构紧,轻巧灵活,适用油库等部门搬运油桶。Manual oil drum van design novel, the structure tight, dexterous is flexible, is suitable department barrel handling and so on the fuel depot.

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在网络世界里,真情通过灵巧的手指在键盘上不停地弹奏着,象跳动的音符把两颗原本陌生的心紧紧相系。In the network world, the truth by dexterous fingers on the keyboard to keep playing, like jumping notes the two one was strange heart tightly.

以灵巧操作速度和灵巧操作力为指端操作灵巧性指标,给出了确定手指驱动器功率的算法。And then, the method to determine the powers of finger actuators is presented according tot he desired dexterous manipulating velocities and forces.

介绍了新型三指灵巧机械手,包括研究背景、研究成果以及三指灵巧机械手的各组成部分。A detailed introduction of the new three-fingered dexterous hand including the research background, achievements, and all the composing parts of the hand.