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使用千字节指定页面大小。Specify the page size in kilobytes.

存储器占用已经减小为几十千字节的标准Memory utilization has been reduced to a standard of tens of kilobytes

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这个操作通常只是修改了几个,或者几千字节的有价值的信息。That generally is just modifying a few bytes, a few kilobytes worth of information.

填充速度表示为每秒字节或每秒千字节。This Fill Rate is described either in terms of Bytes per second or kilobytes per second.

该参数接受百分比数或千字节数。This parameter accepts the values either in terms of a decimal percentage or a number of kilobytes.

可选页面大小参数以千字节为单位给定。The optional page size argument is given in units of kilobytes. The syntax for the this command is as follows

曾经只有50KB的文本外加一丁点图片的网站如今已是音乐、视频、动画,样样俱全。Websites that were once just 50 kilobytes of text and tiny pictures now come with music, video and animated graphics.

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一个典型的拨号用户将获得约5千字节每秒的传输速率,但可能在繁忙时间慢得多。A typical dial-up user will get a transfer rate of about 5 kilobytes per second, but that may be much slower at busy times.

选择该选项会以位元组来显示档案大小。否则,档案大小会以千位元组或百万位元组中较适合者来显示。Checking this option will result in file sizes being displayed in bytes. Otherwise file sizes are being displayed in kilobytes or megabytes if appropriate.

例如在20世纪70年代,存储器是以千字节来衡量大小的并且非常的昂贵,复杂指令集计算是主要的计算,因为它保存记忆。In the 70s of 20th century, for example, memory was measured in kilobytes and was very expensive. CISC was the dominant approach because it conserved memory.