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在泥大当,太阳终于出来了。The sun came out when we reached Nida Dang.

澳大利亚国立戏剧学院是一所提供优秀的戏剧、电影、电视训练的中心。NIDA is, a centre of excellence in training for theatre, film and television.

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奈达是世界译界的一棵不老松。An evergreen pine in the international field of translation, Nida certainly is.

尤金·奈达和彼得·纽马克的大学生求职英语范文翻译理论在我国产生很大的影响。Both Nida and Newmark are outstanding western theorist in the field of translation.

在国外,纽马克、奈达、贝尔曼等都对翻译批评作过理论探讨。As for the study overseas, Peter Newmark, Nida and Berman's researches are discussed here.

本文尝试运用接受美学理论重新阐释奈达的读者反应理论。This paper attempts to combine the Readers Response Theory of Nida with Reception Aesthetics.

奈达先生还了解到,在非洲部分地区,羊被认为是破坏性和有问题的的动物。Mr. Nida also learned that, in parts of Africa, sheep are considered damaging and problematic animals.

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1969年美国著名翻译理论家尤金A·奈达提出了“功能对等”理论。In 1969 the famous American translation theorist Eugene A. Nida put forward functional equivalence theory.

美国语言学家、翻译理论家尤金·奈达对此做出了较大的贡献。American linguist, translation theorist Eugene Albert Nida made a great contribution to the Bible translation.

尤金•奈达提出“翻译,即译意”,这句名言明确了翻译的使命所在。Eugene Nida once said, "Translation means translating meaning". As such, he defines the real purpose or task of translation.

尤金·奈达出名于他所提出的“动态对等”理论,其翻译标准也主要出自其对等理论。Eugene Nida is famous for his theory of Dynamic Equivalence and his translation standard is mainly expressed in his theory of equivalence.

与传统的翻译理论不同,奈达的功能对等理论从另一角度提供了一个翻译批评的标准。Unlike traditional translation theory, the principle of Functional Equivalence proposed by Nida provides a new set of criteria for translation criticism.

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归化翻译学派的代表人物是尤金·奈达,他提出了著名的动态对等和读者反映论,推动和完善了归化理论的发展。Its representative Eugene Nida has put forward the famous dynamic equivalence and the theory of reader's response, which improves the development of domestication.

奈达和纽马克的理论也考虑到了译文的功能问题,但他们的观点对文学翻译不完全适用。Theorists such as Nida and Newmark do take functions of the target text into consideration, but their theories are not completely applicable to literary translation.

奈达先生开发的圣经译本,荣获原希腊语和希伯来语的著作。但他们同时也响起了自然和文化的语言表达自己的设计使用。Mr. Nida developed Bible translations that honored the original Greek and Hebrew writings. But they also sounded natural and made use of a culture's own linguistic expressions.

正如翻译家尤金·奈达所指出的,“对于真正成功的翻译来说,双文化能力甚至要比双语能力更为重要”。Nida puts it, "For truly successful translating, biculturalism is even more important than bilingualism, since words only have meanings in terms of cultures in which they function."

然而,诺拉沃尔科夫博士说,奈达和导演的影像来了解成瘾先锋“的药品的使用记录以来的文明的开端。And yet, says Dr. Nora Volkow, director of NIDA and a pioneer in the use of imaging to understand addiction, "the use of drugs has been recorded since the beginning of civilization."

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他的父母是英国人,但把他生在了尼日利亚,维文的童年在南非,英国和澳大利亚度过。他在诺克斯语法学校发现了戏剧这个东西然后在NIDA得到了进一步的训练。Born in Nigeria to British parents, Weaving spent his childhood in South Africa, England and Australia. He discovered drama at Knox Grammar School and continued his training at NIDA.