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"尿到里面",她干巴巴地说。"Urinate into this," she said dryly.

“我不知道”我声音干巴地回答,试图打消他的热情。I don't know, " I replied dryly , trying to discourage him."

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“的确,看到你出了监狱,很让我惊讶。”魁刚冷漠地说。"I am surprised to see you out of prison, " Qui-Gon said dryly.

“是的,劳烦,一杯加杜松子酒的马提尼”我用一种尽可能冷淡的语调说道。“Yes, please, a Martini with gin,” I said, as dryly as possible.

“是的,劳烦,一杯加杜松子酒的马提尼”我用一种尽可能冷淡的语调说道。"Yes, please, a Martini with gin, " I said, as dryly as possible.

“突然,拥有600万穆斯林人成为了一种优势,”一个人淡淡地评说。“Suddenly, having 6m Muslims is a great advantage,” notes one dryly.

“没地方可去只好下来”,参会主持人冷淡的说。“You’ve got nowhere to go but down from here,” the forum’s moderator said dryly.

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干除灰逐渐成为电厂除灰方式的主流。Dryly eliminating lime has become the mainstream method used in electric factory.

哦,你伤了我的心,“他冷淡的说道,然后拿起了他的书,在沙发上伸展了身体了。"Oh, you wound me, " he said dryly as he picked up his book and stretched out on the sofa.

“我想知道怎么能证明我们没像其他人一样被绑架了,”她冷冰冰的说。"I'm trying to figure out how we can tell we aren't being kidnaped just like the others, " she said dryly.

维基词典干瘪的解释为,拥有小的、真切的优势,比拥有获得更大优势的机会更可靠。Wiktionary dryly explains that it is better to have a small, actual advantage than the chance of a greater one.

“显然,”杜库冷冷地说,“我们先要派人来接你。我有种预感,飞行员需要我们的帮助。”"Obviously, " Dooku said dryly. "We'll send someone for you. In the meantime, I have a feeling the pilot needs our help. "

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没有补救,因为第二天总会好转…公主简单的洗漱后干吃了一袋麦片,喝了一杯热牛奶,再吃个苹果就当早餐了。After I simple washed rinses I had eaten a bag of rolled cats dryly , had drunk a cup of hot milk, then ate an apple as my breakfast.

本规程适用于不同旱作农业生态区的大颗粒稀植粮食作物和西瓜、瓜等经济作物。This regulations is suitable for different dryly agricultural ecology area of the big pellet thinly plants crop and watermelon. pumpkin and so on.

涤荡再生法是用水洗出活性炭微大河人家网孔中的硫酸,再对活性炭举行干燥。The lavation regenerative method is leaves in the activated charcoal pore with the laundering the sulfuric acid, again carries on to the activated charcoal dryly.