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花序轴“之”字形弯曲的有限花序。A determinate cymose inflorescence with a zigzag rachis.

这就很有趣了,因为羽轴似乎有助于飞行。That is interesting because the rachis seems to aid in flight.

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小枝和花序轴疏生短柔毛或者被微柔毛。Branchlets and inflorescence rachis sparsely pubescent or puberulent.

穗状花序,两性花密集着生于粗大的花轴上。Its anthotaxy is spica, and amphimixis flowers is serried inserted on the thick rachis.

腰椎骶化和骶椎腰化都是先天性脊柱畸形。Lumbar Di is changed and Di vertebra waist is changed is congenital rachis deformation.

凹背、平背、圆背、脊柱后凸、脊柱侧弯等。Turn of side of the protruding after sunken back, smooth back, round back, rachis , rachis.

表明水分亏缺显著改变了小麦穗轴维管束系统的显微解剖结构。It showed that the vascular bundle system of rachis in wheat changed apparently under water deficit.

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此时,你的脊柱应该保持正直向上,并且你的视线应该达到最远的距离。Right now, your rachis should keep just up, and your line of sight should achieve farthermost distance.

托叶与叶轴基部合生,边缘篾齿状分裂,有腺毛。Stipule and the rachis base gather live, the edge bamboo splint dentate fission, has the glandular hair.

脊柱的前凸增加称前凸,常见于腰椎及骶骨水平位的人。Of rachis before protruding increases the protruding before saying, common reach sacrum level at lumbar person.

颅骨及脊柱的畸形如颅裂、脊柱裂、狭颅症、扁平颅等。The deformation of 1. skull and rachis is cracked like skull, rachis is cracked, narrow skull disease, compressed skull.

羽轴、羽枝、羽小枝的形状与显微构造的变化,创造出非常丰富多样的羽毛。Variations in the shape and microscopic structure of the barbs, barbules and rachis create an astounding range of feathers.

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杂性的花,在顶生或腋生,聚伞圆锥花序或密伞圆锥花序,通常具卷须在轴或基部的下半部分内。Flowers polygamous, in terminal or axillary, cymose racemes or cymose panicles, often with tendrils at lower part of rachis or base.

每穗总粒数与结实一次枝梗数和现存二次枝梗数均密切相关。Total grain number per spike correlated closely to fruiting primary rachis branch number and existing secondary rachis branch number.

在羽毛的基部,羽轴延伸形成中空管状的翮,或叫羽根,插入皮肤里的毛囊。At the base of the feather, the rachis expands to form the hollow tubular calamus, or quill, which inserts into a follicle in the skin.

利用盆栽试验研究了水分亏缺对抽穗期小麦穗轴维管束系统的影响。Pot experiments were carried out to study the effect of water deficit on vascular bundle system of rachis in wheat during heading stage.

脊柱的后面由各椎骨的椎弓、椎板、横突及棘突组成。At the back of rachis by each vertebral vertebra bend, vertebra board, horizontal stroke dash forward reach spine dash forward composition.

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肾脏疾病所致的腰痛常须与腰肌、脊柱病变所致的腰痛相鉴别。The lumbago photograph of be caused by of pathological changes of constant beard and lumbar flesh, rachis differentiates the lumbago of nephritic disease be caused by.

由于脊柱的花序继续伸长,不育株花卉胎死腹中男性和女性似乎零件,然后按正常的雄花败与卵巢。As the rachis of the inflorescence continues to elongate, sterile flowers with abortive male and female parts appear, followed by normal staminate ones with abortive ovaries.

时间久了,人体受压部位还轻易变形,加快肌肉劳损和脊柱骨骼的老化增生,甚至造成脊柱畸形。Time is long, place of human body press press still allows changeful entity, accelerate muscle strain and the ageing hyperplasia with skeletal rachis , cause rachis deformation even.