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公司,如果你认为你是可有可无的。Company if you think you are dispensable.

对于所有人来说,我只是一个可有可无的角色。For all people, I'm just a dispensable role.

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的公司,如果您认为您是可有可无的。The company if you think you are dispensable.

原来我在你心中只是一个可有可无的过客罢了。Originally I in your heart just a dispensable traveler just.

当被问及是否转基因作物的必要性时,国际水稻研究所总干事罗伯特·齐格勒说。Robert Zeigler said when asked if GM crops were dispensable.

他后悔因害怕处罚而补偿了不必要的养老金。He repents having compensated the dispensable pension for fear of penalty.

他动情地说,我大部分外交生涯与中澳关系结下不解之缘。He said emotionally that Australia was a dispensable part of his diplomatic career.

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居室中客厅只摆放沙发与茶几,电视柜则可有可无。The sitting room in the bedroom puts sofa and tea table only, TV ark is dispensable.

那时夜总会的'驻场歌手‘是可有可无的角色,但我十分尊重这份工作。At that time, a singer for nightclub is a dispensable staff, but I respected my job there.

道德,这一无形的存在,在任何社会里,都决非可有可无的东西。Morals, this invisible existence, in any society, are all definitely non- dispensable thing.

想,速食面当主食的年代,主食也就可有可无了。Thought, the instant noodles worked as staple food the age, the staple food are also dispensable.

水是人类生存和发展不可缺少、不可替代的自然资源。Water is a natural resource which can not be dispensable and substitutable for human to live and develop.

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在一个金钱和温饱问题决定一切的国度,女孩被视为一件可有可无的商品。In a society where economics and hunger drive most decisions, the girl child becomes a dispensable commodity.

高性能缓冲装置,乃是自动化机具高速化及低震动不可或缺的要件。High-performance cushioning device is a dispensable element for high speed and low frequency vibration of automation equipment.

与此相似,大量的垃圾信息都储存在世界各个角落的服务器中,包括网上商店和最新名人视频等等,似乎这些数据也都可有可无。Similarly, an awful lot of what fills up the world's servers, from online shops to the latest celeb videos, seems dispensable too.

我的理论是,今年的普遍性感冒缘于经济衰退,衰退导致我们精神压抑,并感觉自己在工作中可有可无。My theory is that colds are bad this year because of the recession, which lowers our spirits and makes us feel dispensable at work.

IL-2维持着中枢及外周的调节性T细胞的活性,但是对胸腺调节性T细胞的发育是非必要的。IL-2 sustained the activity of Treg cells both in thymus and periphery while it was dispensable for the development of Treg cells in thymus.

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长期以来,历史、地理已经成为可有可无的课程,大学的理工科干脆将语文课取消,学生们不知有汉,无论魏晋的情况时有发生。For a long time, history and geography has become dispensable courses and the University of Science and Technology cancel Chinese language classes.

因为对于苹果公司来讲法国是一个可有可无的市场,公司可以完全退出该国市场,总好过让竞争对手坐享其成。For Apple, France is a dispensable nation. Thecompany could quitthecountry altogether rather than allow its competitorsto take advantage of its music store.

地板辅料对于整个地板的铺装质量,以及家居环境质量来说,到底是可有可无的“边角料”?The complementary feed store to whole floor installs the floor board quality, and for household environment quality, be dispensable after all " leftover material " ?