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本人混合幼鹿和小麦爪卡。I mix fawn and wheat tog.

蓝花有只宠物小鹿。Blue Flower had a pet fawn.

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奴才巴结主子。Underlings fawn on their bosses.

为了取乐,我们奉承低头。Yet for disport we fawn and flatter both.

连忙要赶到丛莽中藏着的麑鹿的身边。Hasting to feed her fawn hid in some brake.

许真君看到一头小鹿正从林子里走出来。He spotted a fawn coming out of the forest.

此时心中的小鹿也开始乱撞开来。The heart also started disorderly bump fawn.

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趋奉宫廷,词多应制之作。Fawn court, should the system of multi-word for.

镇上有头有脸的人都会来巴结我!The most important men in town would come to fawn on me!

不要溜须拍马,阿谀奉承,热衷权力,就像某些学生一样。Don't fawn on others and hanker after power, as some students do.

从驼色到黑色、包括椒盐色、灰色、虎斑色都有。From fawn to black, passing through salt and pepper, gray and brindle.

就像莫格利一样,被抛弃的小鹿Cindy和巨大的大丹犬Rocky组成了一个新家。Cindy the abandoned fawn finds a new family with Giant Great Dane Rocky.

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头饰应该是银色或比其他棕色地方亮的杏黄色。The topknot should be silver or fawn which is lighter than the tan points.

那只不听话的小鹿掉进了陷井,被猎人杀死了。The stubborn fawn who played hooky had been trapped and killed by a hunter.

小妹妹为他被施了魔法的哥哥哭泣,小鹿也哭了。How the little sister wept over the enchanted brother, and the fawn wept also.

有人在营救小鹿,而其他人却忙于从卡车上卸载家具。Somebody is saving the fawn while others are unloading furniture from the truck.

当他们说话的时候,小鹿跳了回来,看起来非常完整和开心。While they were talking, the fawn came bounding in, looking quite well and happy.

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因为是女人去讨好他们,所以他们就推想任何女人拥有了他们都会感到快乐。Because women fawn over them, they reason that any woman would be happy to have them.

阿富汗猎犬来,在各种颜色,包括黑色,红色,奶油,讨好和。Afghan Hounds comes in a variety of colors including Black, red, cream, fawn and brindle.

阿丽见丈夫几天都不回来,惟有找媚娘求助。Li sees the husband a few days do not come back, look for fawn on only the woman appeals.