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买得到饰物,但买不到美丽。Finery but not beauty.

她穿著她最华丽的服饰。She's rigged out in her best finery.

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她的裙子上俗丽地缀满了便宜华丽的饰品。Her skirt was bedaubed with cheap finery.

他那套华丽服饰穿在身上好像猪穿盔甲似的。He carried all his finery like a hog in armor.

服装符号系统是论文第二章所探讨的重点。The finery symbol system is the emphases of the second part.

她知道自己做得太过份了,但是她那喜欢漂亮衣服的女人天性占了上风。She knew she was going too far, but her feminine love of finery prevailed.

他每天穿着廉价而俗气的华丽衣服,招摇过市。Every day, he swaggers through the street, dressed in cheap and vulgar finery.

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他们把重建和修理房子看得比购买新服饰和喜欢的食品更为重要。Renovation and repair of houses takes precedence over new finery and fancy food.

休·亨格福德身材修长表情忧郁,长腿长脸,身着褪色的华服。Hugh Hungerford was slim and saturnine long-legged long-faced clad in faded finery.

沃林顿的粗野中包念着一种高雅的气质,这是另一个人的华丽外表所缺少的。In Warrington's very uncouthness there was a refinement, which the other's finery lacked.

在我国丰富多样的民族服饰中,银饰艺术是一个重要的组成部分。It is discussed that silver decoration art is a vital proportion in our abundant national finery culture.

他这种独树一帜的儒家服饰美学思想,为继承、丰富和发展中国服饰审美文化奠定了千古难移的深厚根基。His conceptions of finery have laid a solid foundation for finery culture of China for thousands of years.

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许多人为了身上的华服不惜亏待肚皮,而且让家人过着三餐不继的日子。Many a one, for the sake of finery on the back, has gone with a hungry belly, and half-starved their families.

新郎和新娘们都穿着红色服饰按照古代的仪式进行婚礼。Bridegrooms and the Brides were dressed up in red finery and ancient rituals were performed during the ceremony.

这柱子由一对转动的车轮载着,还有两匹穿着青铜马衣的红马拉着它。The pole is carried between a pair of turning wagon wheels, pulled by two red horses outfitted in bronze finery.

上城里过冬的那些人家都搬回来了,人们都穿起了夏天的新装,到处是夏天的约会。The families who had been in town for the winter came back again, and summer finery and summer engagements arose.

发烧级装饰运用在柔软纺织品上的精细裁缝将把美丽与魅力的时尚之风引至家居空间。FASHIONISTA FINERY Dressmaker details on soft textiles brings the glamour and beauty from the fashion runways home.

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这不仅是孔门儒家,也是中国古代服饰美学思想目的论的核心内涵。Atahis isn't only the Confucianism but also the nuclear connotation of the Chinese archaic finery aesthetics teleology.

不过,就是在这一片黄色与黑色相间的海洋中,一件色彩鲜艳格外醒目的红衬衫却紧紧地吸引住了我的眼球。It is in the yellow and black waves that a red jacket is so striking and finery that it could catch my eyeballs tightly.

杰弗里拉什是回杰克斯派洛的常年对手封盖,在朝臣的服饰出来,花边袖口长,卷曲的假发。Geoffrey Rush is back as Jack Sparrow's perennial rival, decked out in courtier's finery from lace cuffs to long, curled wig.