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联合国贸发会说,经济和金融危机改变了全球外国直接投资布局。UNCTAD says the crisis has changed, what it calls, the "FDI landscape".

联合国贸发会表示,经济危机改变了“对外直接投资的布局”。UNCTAD says the crisis has changed, what it calls, the "F. D. I. landscape".

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然而,这份联合国贸发会议报告还把矛头指向了那些提供发展援助的机构。But the UNCTAD report also points the finger at those who provide development aid.

贸发会议代理主管就管理费用问题作了说明。The Officer-in-charge of UNCTAD provided clarification on the question of overheads.

作为协办单位,UNCTAD将从今年起在投洽会期间发布“世界投资报告”。As a co-sponsor, UNCTAD will release WORLD INVESTMENT REPORT during the CIFIT from this year on.

UNCTAD提出印度可能需要同时进口生物乙醇和生物柴油从而实现其目标。UNCTAD suggested that India might have to import both bio-ethanol and biodiesel to meet its targets.

然而联合国贸发会这两个总数正确的时候,重申技术改革的呼声变得毫无底气。But while Unctad is right on these two counts, it is on far weaker ground in recommending technological upgrading.

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联合国贸发会议报告的主要观点是呼吁开发拥有坚实基础的更合适的世界金融体系。A major idea in the UNCTAD report is its call for the development of a better world financial system with a more secure base.

UNCTAD勾勒出了一些促进更有效地向发展中国家转移知识和技术的政策建议。UNCTAD outlines a number of policy recommendations for more effective transfer of knowledge and technology to developing countries.

联合国贸发会在说过在出口增长同强化过的生产能力和结构化增长不会“自动”串联起来,这点没错。Unctad is right to say that there is no "automatic" link between export growth, enhanced productive capacity and structural change.

联合国贸发会议秘书长素帕猜说,不景气的经济现状发生在四年的相对强劲增长过后。UNCTAD Secretary-General, Supachai Panitchpakdi, says this depressing state of affairs comes after four years of relatively strong growth.

不过,联合国贸发会秘书长素帕猜表示,一些国家的政府的确寻求了偏向本国商品和服务的贸易政策。But UNCTAD Secretary-General, Supachai Panitchpakdi says governments have pursued trade policies favorable to domestically-produced goods and services.

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联合国贸发会议秘书长素帕猜.巴尼巴滴说,最不发达国家太过依赖原材料和低附加值产品的出口。UNCTAD Secretary-General, Supachai Panitchpakdi, says LDCs are too heavily dependent on exports of primary commodities and low-value-added manufactures.

联合国贸发会议的经济学家指出,经济多元化和工业发展是应对大宗商品价格剧烈波动的最佳长期战略。UNCTAD economists say greater diversification and industrial development is the best long-term strategy for reducing vulnerability to commodity price shocks.

根据联合国贸发会所作的2009世界投资报告,与发达国家相比,发展中国家在吸引外资上表现更佳。But the UNCTAD World Investment Report 2009 says developing countries are doing better in attracting foreign direct investment, or FDI, than the developed countries.

素帕猜说,上个世纪60年代,化肥、种子、和农业技术的突破促成了亚洲的绿色革命。The UNCTAD Secretary-General says the green revolution in Asia during the 1960s was triggered when fertilizer, seeds and farming technology became readily available.

联合国贸发会议作为投洽会的协办单位,今后将一如既往地支持这一国际盛会,为中国全面发展经济提供强有力的支持。As a co-sponsor of CIFIT, UNCTAD will consistently support this grand international meeting and provide strong support for the overall development of China's economy.

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UNCTAD指出,由于盲目相信市场的优点,使得金融改革的各种形式与真正生产性经济活动完全分离。UNCTAD says blind faith in the virtues of the market allowed forms of financial innovations which were completely detached from any truly productive economic activity.

尽管受到冷战影响,UNCTAD最终通过谈判建立了富国向发展中国家产品提供免关税市场准入的一般优惠体系。Though undermined by the cold war, UNCTAD managed to negotiate the general system of preferences under which rich countries give tariff-free access to products from the developing world.

贸发会议通过在开罗举办题为“投资和公司治理情况披露”的中东和北非区域讲习会,进一步增进公司管理。UNCTAD furthered its promotion of corporate governance by organizing a regional workshop in Cairo for the Middle East and North Africa entitled "Investment and corporate governance disclosure".