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我们待会会再讨论这个。You can't get to zero Kelvin.

开尔文波来自何方?Where do Kelvin waves come from?

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开尔文勋爵少算了一半。Lord Kelvin was missing half the story.

这就是开尔文温标。And then you would get the Kelvin scale.

你只能在0下做到这点。You can only do it at zero degrees Kelvin.

纵坐标是。f So we have now temperature in degrees Kelvin.

尔文和我聊天的即时通讯软件。Kelvin and I were chatting on Instant Messenger.

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孙耀威与关楚耀在台上玩到癫。On the stage, Eric and Kelvin Kwan played madly.

嘿,你有没有跟一只叫凯尔文的流浪狗一起在第14街闲逛过?Hey, you ever hang out down on 14th Street with a stray named Kelvin?

温度值可以在摄氏、华氏或温。Temperature values can be displayed in Celsius, Fahrenheit, or Kelvin.

关楚耀举行歌友会,一班好友人到礼到撑场。A group of good friends went to support Kelvin Kwan in his fans' meeting.

15K下固态铁的,摩尔焓是零。A molar enthalpy of or whatever, iron, as a solid at 298.15 Kelvin is zero.

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98。15K下固态铁的,摩尔焓是零。A molar enthalpy of or whatever, iron, as a solid at 298.15 Kelvin is zero.

我把它叫做,你能在0下,保本定律“And I'm going to call this the you can break even at zero degrees Kelvin law.

2009年的赛事在格拉斯哥举行,但地点放在凯尔文礼堂。In 2009 the event was held in Glasgow, but at an other venue, the Kelvin Hall.

一般热容的单位是焦耳每摩,而不是千焦。Ordinary heat capacities are in Joule's per Kelvin mole, not kilojoules, right.

萨姆-卡塞尔、蒙塔-艾利斯、摩西-马龙和凯文-卡托也参加了。Sam Cassell, Monta Ellis, Moses Malone and Kelvin Cato also made an appearance.

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水仍然是液体,这是通常的情况,固体,液体,这里是273开尔文。This is what it would usually, solid, liquid, that would be 273 degrees Kelvin.

这是他们第一次见乐然呢,一下子就喜欢上了我们的开心宝。It is first first time Yokechin and Kelvin meet Casper. They are so sweet to him.

在表面风压作用下,赤道开尔文波常伴随一些异常现象。Equatorial Kelvin waves are often associated with anomalies in surface wind stress.