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有一次一个法国出租汽车司机开了亚瑟·柯南道尔爵士一个玩笑。French taxicab driver once played a joke on Sir Arthur Conna Doyle.

这一经典场面在后面的出租车一样移动如昔。That classic scene in the back of a taxicab is just as moving as ever.

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给你的孩子一张出租车公司的电话号码卡以便需要时拨打。DO give your child a card with phone numbers of taxicab services to call.

崭新的出租车在哈瓦那城里那漆黑而又空荡荡的街道上一路畅行。The new taxicab zoomed smoothly through the dark and empty avenues of Havana.

乘飞机、驾驶租用的汽车或搭乘出租车都属于这个类别。Flying, driving a rental car or taking a taxicab would fall into that category.

那位男子开车把她送到安全地方,找人帮她的忙并为她叫来了一辆出租车。The man took her to safety, helped her get assistance and put her into a taxicab.

小伙子把她送到安全的地方,帮她寻获协助,最后还送她上出租车。The man took her to safety, helped her get assistance and put her into a taxicab.

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她的出租车在乘客和司机的座位之间有一块很厚的有机玻璃隔板。Her taxicab has a thick Perspex partition between the passenger's seats and the driver.

后来就有很多学术研究专门针对这种数字,这个数字后来就叫做的士数。Much scholarly research has since been dedicated to so-called taxicab numbers like these.

一个工业设计师的设计方案引起了墨西哥汽车制造商的兴趣。An industrial designer's award-winning concept for a taxicab generates interest from car builders in Mexico.

美国米戴乐风险公司作为卓越的公司一直致力于投资出租车。We have been recognized as some of the preeminent companies involved in the financing of taxicab medallions.

现年47岁的刘先生,最初在上海开出租车,但最终通过股市投资发了巨财。Mr. Liu, 47, got his start driving a taxicab in Shanghai but eventually made a fortune investing in the stock market.

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在一个雨天,坐在纽约的一辆出租车上,41岁的格雷琴.卢宾突然问她自己,生活中她最想要的是什么。In a taxicab on a rainy day in New York City, Gretchen Rubin, 41, suddenly asked herself what she wanted most in life.

你可以将此人扶入一辆出租车,或开车送他/她回家。You must either pour this person into a taxicab or drive him or her home." Use any excuse you'd like to call it a night.

我母亲可能会在纽约城里坐出租车,这就可能会接触到我的软件,或是买票去阿尔卡特拉兹时接触到我的软件。My mom may take a taxicab in New York City and may touch my software or buy a ticket to Alcatraz and may touch my software.

近年来,针对出租车司机实施的抢劫、暴力伤害等犯罪案件频繁发生。In recent years, crime case aiming at the taxicab driver, such as robbery and assault, have experienced frequent occurrence.

而此时他正乘的士穿过林肯公园,前一刻却是在间部门小仓库里与某个销售女郎春风一度,代价是染上淋病。A short time after he contracted gonorrhea from a sales girl in a loop department store while riding in a taxicab through Lincoln Park.

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例如电脑识别出这张照片像是在日本拍摄的,电脑将会更清楚了解计程车的应该是什么样子。If a computer recognizes that a photo likely was taken in Japan, for instance, the computer will have a better idea of what a taxicab should look like.

阿富汗移民海德.塞迪奇并没有太在意一个拉鍊拉上的小袋子,一位他载往洛杉矶国际机场的乘客,把这个袋子遗忘在他的计程车上。Afghan immigrant Haider Sediqi didn't give much thought to the small, zippered pouch left in his taxicab by a passenger he took to Los Angeles International Airport.

在华盛顿特区参加会议时,我遇到了一位从农村来的参观者。有一天,他坐上了出租汽车,看见在车盖上写着一个名字字—阿拉。At a convention in Washington, D. C. , I met a man who was visiting from a rural community. One night, he got into a taxicab and saw the name Allah on the dashboard.