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深深缓慢,平稳,安静地呼气。Deep, slow, gentle, quiet exhalation.

缓慢,平稳,安静,平静地呼气。Slow, gentle, quiet, calm exhalation.

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在你的内心浮想“平静”这个词。Utter the word "calm" in your mind with every exhalation.

把一次呼气切换成各不相同的声音就形成了语言。Speech results from chopping up an exhalation into separate sounds.

另外,随着每次吸人和呼出,它们交涣更多的空气。In addition, they exchange more air with each inhalation and exhalation.

非洲按蚊通过我们呼出的高密度的二氧化碳找到我们。African Anopheles mosquitoes find us by our carbon dioxide–rich exhalation.

尽量控制吸气和呼气之间的间隔一致。Try to make the inhalation, exhalation and the pause in-between the same length.

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本文论述了USB接口芯片在氡析出率仪中的应用。This paper discussed the application of CH375 in the radon exhalation rate apparatus.

然后,如在半蛙式中那样,呼气时控制身体缓慢回到地板。另一侧重复练习。Then, as in Frog Pose, use an exhalation to lower to the floor slowly and with control.

新月时产生的地球引力就如同呼气的末端,此时所产生的下行气息能量最强。The new moon energy corresponds to the end of exhalation when the force of apana is greatest.

吸气时间测定是从吸气开始到呼气开始。Inspiratory time is measured from the beginning of inspiration to the beginning of exhalation.

平衡你的身体和心灵,吸入和呼气的呼吸,这就是瑜珈是约。Balancing your body and mind, the inhalation and exhalation of breathing that's what Yoga is about.

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在每个吸气呼气时连贯的变换站立的体式。Flow through each of the standing postures moving on each inhalation and moving on each exhalation.

在外面我不禁赞叹,这是一种与爱有关的叹息。Outside I seem unable to stop sighing, the kind of exhalation normally associated with being in love.

因此,所有的构成应适当协调吸入,呼出和举行一口气。Therefore, all poses are to be properly coordinated with inhalation, exhalation and holding of breath.

他把第一口烟深深地吸进肺以再慢悠悠地吐了出来。He drew the first whiff of smoke deep into his lungs and expelled it in a long and lingering exhalation.

他喝了杯茶,喝茶的模样犹如在喝威士忌,小口啜饮,然后是一声满意的吐气。He had a cup of tea, and he drank it now like it was whisky, a sip and then a long, satisfied exhalation.

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快速地透过鼻子吸气与吐气,重点放在吐气上。Breathe chaotically through the nose, concentrating always on exhalation. The body will take care of the inhalation.

每一个人的生命与此其实何其相似,只不过是血液的蒸发和空气的呼吸。Something of this kind is the very life of every man, like the exhalation of the blood and the respiration of the air.

目的找出加压供氧面罩呼气活门的活门板在高余压状态下发生“抖动”的原因。Objective To find out the reason of "dithering" of exhalation valve plate in pressure oxygen mask under high overpressure condition.