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就以多饮、多尿为主要表现。Take drinks, the polyuria as the main performance.

多尿期与恢复期亦较短。The polyuria time and the recovery period are also short.

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此外,季节因素,冬季多尿是正常现象。In addition, seasonal factors, the winter is a normal phenomenon polyuria.

所有病人均未见严重并发症,9例术后出现短暂尿崩。No severe complication in all the cases, transient polyuria happened in 9 cases.

该食品添加剂,对降低糖尿病患者的血糖、解除饥渴和多尿症状有明显作用。Said product has the functions of reducing blood-sugar, relieving thirst and polyuria of diabetic.

不能单纯以多饮、多尿就诊断为患有精尿病。Cannot by drink, the polyuria to create disaster purely on the diagnosis has the fine urine sickness.

目的探讨分析头皮撕脱伤患者多尿症状产生的原因及处理方法。Objective To analyze the causes of polyuria after scalp avulsion injury and discuss treatment measures.

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随机对照试验还发现在大部分人群中,乙酰唑胺可以引起多尿,感觉异常,或者是两者兼有。The RCTs found that acetazolamide caused polyuria , paraesthesia, or both in a large proportion of people.

肾小管保盐保水障碍可导致液体从尿液中丢失,所以常常有多尿症状。The inability of the kidney tubules to retain salt and water results in urinary fluid loss, so polyuria is common.

临床上病兔多尿与脱水可能主要与肾远曲小管和集合管的上皮细胞凋亡有关。The polyuria and dehydration of ill rabbits in clinic were related to renal epithelium apoptosis of distal convoluted renal tubule and collecting duct.

事实上,当临床出现典型的所谓多饮、多尿、多食和体重减轻的“三多一少症”时,往往已非早期糖尿病了。In fact, when the so-called typical clinical polydipsia, polyuria , and more food and weight loss of "a little more than three disease" often has a non-early stage of diabetes.