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我们应该尊重个性。We should respect individuality.

追求你的个性。Keep pursuing your individuality.

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它的集中主义无法和任何个性共存。Its centralism cannot co-exist with individuality.

你应该将你的个体性视为“一的存在”。You should see your individuality as the one Being.

我为他的自信和个性自豪。I was proud of his self-assuredness and individuality.

你的个体性始终潜藏在你的心灵里。Your individuality was always latent within your soul.

你相信购买苹果摧残你的个性。You believe buying Apple undermines your individuality.

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现在这词却象征着关爱,写意,独创以及美。Now it suggests care, leisure, individuality and beauty.

其中个性倾向性是其一个主要的方面。And the individuality tendentiousness is its main aspect.

为了合一,你们的个别性将会成长。Because of the becoming one, your individuality will grow.

马列德勒是他的独特个性的现象。Marlen Spindler is the phenomenon of his unique individuality.

在灵修生活中,察知到生物的个体性,方为真正的知识。Identity with individuality in spiritual life is real knowledge.

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学校教育是发展学生个性的主渠道。School Education develops the student individuality main channel.

个性和自我表达在现代被大力推崇。Individuality and self-expression are highly prized in modern times.

我文静,做事有条不紊,是一个。I am gentle, work methodically, is an individuality Gwynne and woman.

它的气质是笔直之一,独立和个性。Its temperament is one of directness, independence and individuality.

你对消费品的选择与你的个性无关。Your choice ofconsumer products says nothing about your individuality.

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生活中我们拥有的最大财富就是我们的个性。One of the biggest treasures that we have in life is our individuality.

西方现代艺术抽象追求个性与理性。Moderm Western art abstraction concentrates on reason and individuality.

五月带来完美化和享受你的个体性的想法。May introduces the concept of perfecting and enjoying your individuality.