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公司代表的工作就是向国外宣传公司的产品。The representative's job is to bruit the company's products abroad.

杂音通常由听诊器探测到,提示动脉阻塞。A bruit is usually detected with a stethoscope and is an indicator of arterial blockage.

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同时在病患的右上腹部可以听到血管嘈音,高度怀疑是肾血管高血压。Abdominal bruit was heard in the right epigastric area. Renovascular hypertension was highly suspected.

甲状腺区丰满且膨出,柔软无结节,有杂音而且触诊有震颤。The thyroid region was full and prominent, soft without nodules, Bruit presented and had thrill on palpation.

一位41岁女性病人,因车祸引起复视,右眼球突出并自觉性离音。A 41 year-old female suffered from right eye proptosis with spontaneous, subjective bruit noise after car accident.

另外,有颈动脉杂音患者由于心血管病变而死亡的概率是无杂音患者的2.5倍。Additionally, patients with a carotid bruit were 2.5 times as likely to die because of a cardiovascular-related event.

那些早期的谣传可能会被后来的更正替换,但不和读者打招呼,直接删掉是不妥当的。Those inchoate bruit may by later correct replace, but disaccord reader greets sb, be being expunged directly is ill-considered.

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CCF的症状诸如眼球突出,眼肌麻痹,结膜充血水肿,眼眶杂音及眼底改变也随之消失。The features of CCF were also resolved, which included proptosis, ophthalmoplegia, chemotic conjunctiva, orbital bruit and fundus changes.

有风声。看哪,敌人来了。有大扰乱从北方出来,要使犹大城邑变为荒凉,成为野狗的住处。Behold, the noise of the bruit is come, and a great commotion out of the north country, to make the cities of Judah desolate, and a den of dragons.

颈动脉是头颈部供血的主要通路,颈动脉杂音是血液流过颈动脉狭窄所产生的声音。A carotid bruit is a sound that blood makes when it passes over an obstruction in the carotid artery, the main passageway for supplying blood to the head and neck.