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迦太基是腓尼基人的殖民地Carthage is a colony of Phoenician cities.

迦太基号平稳地前进着像移动的人行道。The Carthage ran as steady as a moving sidewalk.

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听,迦太基的战鼓重新击响!罗马人,颤抖吧!The trumpets of Carthage resound! Hear, Romans, now and tremble!

又或是向西进发,去贯彻亚历山大因受迦太基威胁而未竟的事业?Or west, to carry out Alexander's threatened conquest of Carthage?

汪达尔人在迦太基人观看马戏的时候夺取了迦太基城。The Vandals? They took Carthage when the locals were watching a circus.

汉诺一行人把它们的皮连同冒险故事一道带回了迦太基。Hanno and his crew brought the skins home to Carthage along with this story.

西元前203年前往北非协助迦太基军队抵抗大西庇阿的势力。In 203 he left for northern Africa to help Carthage fend off Scipio's forces.

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舷窗外,迦太基号拨开水浪,欧洲逐渐消失在地平线。Out the portholes, Europe slipped over the horizon and the Carthage hit open water.

在197他返回迦太基,在那里他已婚,并成为长老教会。In 197 he returned to Carthage , where he married and became a presbyter of the church.

作为日尔曼民族的一支,汪达尔人于公元445年洗劫了罗马城,并在迦太基附近建立了一个滨海帝国。The Vandals, a Germanic people, pillaged Rome in 455 and built a maritime empire around Carthage.

这幅画的题材来源于罗马诗人维吉尔的史诗,描述的是女王狄多建设迦太基的故事。It’s a scene from an epic poem by a Roman poet Vergil, about the building of Carthage by queen Dido.

这座城市由迦太基人建立,它的名字是从古迦太基的巴塞家族衍生而来的。Barcelona was founded by the Carthaginians and its name is derived from the great Barca family of ancient Carthage.

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经过三次布匿战争,罗马彻底打败迦太基,成为地中海无与伦比的强国。Through the three Punic Wars, Rome defeated Carthage and became an unparalleled strong county in the Mediterranean.

号角吹响,迦太基号到港了。大家都回到自己的位置打点行囊准备下船。大约早中午的时候,我们抵达突尼斯。A horn sounded. The Carthage had sighted port. Everyone rushed back inside to pack. By mid-morning, we were in Tunis.

但是迦太基在早期拥有着巨大的海上优势,罗马仅仅在冲突开始后才逐渐发力。But Carthage had a huge naval advantage earlyon, with Rome catching up only long after the beginning of the conflict.

但是迦太基在早期拥有着巨大的海上优势,罗马仅仅在冲突开始后才逐渐发力。But Carthage had a huge naval advantage early on, with Rome catching up only long after the beginning of the conflict.

当你继续西行,希腊的城镇就止于北非沿岸,因为北非的其余领土,都被迦太基人所占领了When you go west, however, it stops in the coast of North Africa -the reason being the rest of North Africa is dominated by Carthage.

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当你继续西行,希腊的城镇就止于北非沿岸,因为北非的其余领土,都被迦太基人所占领了。When you go west , however, it stops in the coast of North Africa -the reason being the rest of North Africa is dominated by Carthage.

电视播放着叙利亚不幸的状况,每个人都关注着,并为此担忧,随后卡扎菲出现在电视银幕上,迦太基号里爆发出哄笑。The TV showed tragedy in Syria, and everyone watched and worried, and then Qaddafi came onscreen, and the Carthage exploded with laughter.

丘吉尔是被莫兰勋爵用磺胺类药救下来的,因为在1943年,当丘吉尔在突尼斯的迦太基受伤时,莫兰还不知道青霉素呢。Churchill was saved by Lord Moran, using sulphonamides, since he had no experience with penicillin, when Churchill fell ill in Carthage in Tunisia in 1943.