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她在盆里给婴儿洗澡。She bathed the toddler in the tubs.

你让你的孩子有Froot循环?You let your toddler have Froot Loops?

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我家大宝很喜欢这种湿巾,从来不抗拒。My toddler loves them and does not resist.

你呢,是怎样使孩子的等待变得有趣的呢?How do you make waiting fun for your toddler?

备有儿童室、幼儿室与育婴室。Children, toddler and cry rooms are available.

你想向你的孩子解释神秘主义吗?Do you want to explain racism to your toddler?

录像显示一位幼童在大街上玩耍。The video shows a toddler playing in a street.

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那小孩学着走路但老是跌跤。The toddler tried to walk but kept falling down.

一定要买一个小的塑料耙子,这样你的孩子就能帮忙了。Buy a small, plastic rake so your toddler can help.

她开始重新走路,但是会诊医生告诉她的父母“她会像是做过前脑叶白质切除术一样,以后生活中会走路蹒跚。”She will be like a toddler for the rest of her life.

这是小孩听到的一辆30吨位卡车经过的声音。This is what a 30-ton truck sounds like to a toddler.

母亲与蹒跚学步的孩子一起用童车推着婴儿走。Mother with her toddler perambulated the infant in tow.

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昨天我的一个朋友带着她的孩子来作客。Yesterday a friend of mine brought her toddler to visit.

有没有更好的方法说服一个跚跚学步的幼童有选择性地听话呢?A better way to reason with a toddler with selective hearing?

这些鞋是以婴儿尺寸4-6号和初学走路的孩子的尺寸7-11号售出的。They were sold in infant sizes 4 to 6 and toddler sizes 7 to 11.

小杰一条腿骨折,目前正在医院恢复。The toddler suffered a broken leg and was recovering in hospital.

怎么与刚开始学说话的婴儿沟通?How do I communicate with my toddler who is just learning to talk?

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幼童的溺水过程不单快,而且悄无声息。Not only are toddler drownings quick, they're also typically silent.

照看咿呀学语的孩子对治疗发无名火的毛病有奇效。Watching a toddler works wonders on learning not to loose your cool.

伴随着欣喜地尖叫声,她撕开了生日礼物的包装。The toddler is squealing with delight as she rips open her presents.