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这将彻底改变的外观卡丁车。It will totally change the appearance of your kart.

虽然“左”或“权利”将让你的赛车左转或右转。Whilst "left" or "right" will let your kart turn left or right.

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这就是为什么我参加卡丁车比赛,为什么我会放很多精力在里面。That is why I do the go kart racing, that is why I put so much effort into it.

最完整的卡丁车游戏包含了8个世界、32场比赛以及5种游戏模式!The most complete Kart game on mobile with 8 worlds, 32 races, and 5 game modes!

那是我两岁的时候,我爹用一台割草机的马达给我造了辆小卡丁车。When I was two years old. In a small kart my father built with a lawn mower engine. ?

当他只有四岁时,别人送他一台玩具赛车,之后就在这台玩具赛车上安装了剪草机的引擎。When he was only four years old, he was given a toy kart and later a lawnmower engine was fitted to it.

卡忒.希蓓尔一九九二年毕业于爱沙尼亚「塔林艺术大学」的陶艺及应用艺术学系。Kart Seppel graduated as a ceramics and applied-art artist from Tallinn Art University, Estonia, in 1992.

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除此以外,赛恩斯在其家乡马德里也有很多自己的生意,其中包括卡丁车场。As well as that, Sainz has a number of business interests in his native Madrid, including his own kart track.

卡特被誉为大师级的肖像家,受过去很多伟大的画家影响,常常没日没夜地工作。Kart was praised as a master portraitist, often working in black and white, influenced by great painters of the past.

在圣诞前一段时间,他不但在布雷西亚参加了卡丁车测试,而且还在他的家乡科尔班参加了一次24小时卡丁车比赛。In the run-up to Christmas he tested a kart at the Lonato circuit in Brescia and competed in a 24-hour kart race in his hometown of Kerpen.

这个游戏包括沙滩排球,滑雪,羽毛球,篮球,冰上滚石,花样滑雪,射击,越野,足球和卡丁车。It includes Beach Volleyball, Snowboard Cross, Badminton, Basketball, Curling, Figure Skating, Archery, Supercross, Soccer and Kart Racing.

雷曼卡丁车是唯一的能通过难以置信的侧滑,惊世绝伦的跳跃一起其他特殊动作提供刺激及乐趣手机卡丁车游戏!!Rayman Kart is the only mobile Kart game to provide awesomely fun driving sensations with its unbelievable skids, dizzying jumps, and much more.

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发生意外的小型赛车场,给「新丁」讲授相关课程时,所播映录影带有提醒玩家不能戴颈巾。A video shown to beginners at the kart circuit does remind players not to wear a scarf. The same rule is listed on a notice posted there about safety.

圣弗兰西斯-索拉诺涌现了许多体育明星,阿根廷小型车冠军马丁-马里科维奇也与马西同一时间走访了母校。St Francis Solano appears to be something of a breeding ground for sporting icons, as Argentina's Kart champion, Martin Marinkovich attended the school at the same time as Maxi.