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钉尖般的四趾,加上一个谜一般的拇指按钮。Four pin-point toes, and a problematical thumb-piece.

证据来自历史学家约瑟夫是有问题。The evidence from the historian Josephus is problematical.

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但是,在学前这段时间,有点小问题。The preschool period, therefore, is a little problematical.

一个复兴的中国肯定会有很多方面出问题。A resurgent China will be problematical in a number of ways.

法律冲突向来是中国法律中,一个存在诸多问题的领域。The conflict of laws is always a problematical area of law in China.

一次只选择一个方面的问题对于学生们来说更清楚易懂。Selecting just one problematical area at a time is less confusing for students.

但是,在中国大学的学习环境中,实施该教学法却有一些困难存在。However, it can be problematical in the learning context of Chinese universities.

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最近的六方会谈证明朝鲜是有问题的玩家。In recent six-party talks, North Korea proved to be the problematical leading player.

应该指出的是,即使是使用明确的来源问题。It should be noted, however, that even the use of the explicit sources is problematical.

但对文职领导人和中国的朋友来说,这将很有问题。But for civilian leaders as well as for China’s friends, this would be highly problematical.

由于莎佛克里士悲剧,这座城市也因这位男主角与文明价值之间的那种很成问题的关系而成了人们关注的焦点。In Sophoclean tragedy the city is also the focus for the hero's problematical relation to civilized values.

本文概述了触敏柱头的研究进展,并对研究中尚存在的一些问题进行了讨论。In this paper, recent advances in the sensitive stigma are summarized, and some problematical issues are also discussed.

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关于理解这个术语,我想要指出,我告诉你们,我无意做任何的反讽,这是一个颇为棘手的术语。In connection with this term comprehension, I would like to point out – I assure you that there is no irony intended – that it is a problematical term.

成功只是证明你能够做你已经知道自己会做的事情,或是第一次就能正确地做某件事情,而这通常是一次有问题的成功。Success is proving that you can do something that you already know you can do, or doing something correctly the first time, which can often be a problematical victory.

通过对目前高一学生物理问题意识现状的调查研究,本文发现目前高一学生的物理问题意识能力总体上处于较弱状态。We find the problematical consciousness of students in the grade one of high school have been on the low level after our investigation on their ability in this aspect.

把一些交叉性的“问题史”、“门类史”拿出来,借助其他兄弟学科的知识攻关。Thirdly, it could take some overlapping problematical historical issues or categorized one to solve out with application of the knowledge from the relative academic subjects.

我已经提到的历史学家之间的一种历史和历史上的谁已经在写有问题的科学家参与发展的关系。I have already alluded to the problematical relationship between the historian's kind of history and the kind of history written by scientists who have participated in the development.

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最有嫌疑的是高尚,一个天才得分后卫,他在今年年初参加澳大利亚奥林匹克青年节的比赛中申报年龄是1992年出生。The most problematical situation concerns Gao Shang, a highly talented shooting guard. Gao was listed as born in 1992 when he played in the Australian Olympic Youth Festival earlier this year.

这仍然让人有疑问,因为这种想法暗含了一层意思,即我们身下的土地是从同性恋者或者异性恋者的身份中获得的,而当这种观点扩大的时候,我们就会被排挤出去!That's problematical as well, as it suggests that we sit on ground that's been either taken from the Gay and Straight identities, or that if the perception of these broadens we'll be squeezed out!

当被压制时,它们不会躲在任何不重要的东西后面,而是躲在已经出问题的观念和形象后面,并强化它们复杂可疑的本性。When repressed, they do not hide behind any trifling thing but behind ideas and figures that have already become problematical for other reasons, and intensify and complicate their dubious nature.