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我现在仍不知道年金为何物。I still don't know what annuities are.

负责任的公司应该在老员工退休后提供养老金。A responsible company is supposed to provide old employees annuities after retirement.

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从这些方面出发,我们郑重推出了我们的第一期年金排名。With these issues in mind, we put together our first-ever ranking of the top annuities.

许多代理商将人寿保险,健康保险,财产保险以及养老金等当作产品销售。Many agents sell life, health, and property insurance as well as products such annuities.

国内的机构业务目前主要包括年金和专户业务。Domestic institutions, including the main business at present accounts and annuities business.

对年金债券采取谨慎的态度。他们付给我很高的薪酬,但是,对于很多客户来说,它们并不适用。Be careful with annuities. They pay me big commissions, but they're not a good fit for many clients.

他将会工作一生。明晰计划,预测未来。养老金会是岗哨。All his life he will work. Formulating the plans. Forecasting the future. Annuities will be sentries.

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比可变年金提供的投资灵活性和收益机会都要少一些Generally offer less investment flexibility and less opportunity for growth compared to variable annuities.

企业年金也是为退休人员或是对其投资所提供的一种减免税的递延服务。Meanwhile, annuities are used to provide tax-deferred income for retirees and for other investment purposes.

我不会参加他们的旅游聚会或者成为他们的邻居,也不会和他们一起探讨房地产或者年金。I knew I would never join them on vacations or live in their neighborhoods or discuss real estate or annuities.

即时年金一般用于其它退休收入的补充,并与通货膨胀率挂钩。Immediate annuities are typically used to supplement other retirement income sources while keeping pace with inflation.

中低所得者不可单独选择变额年金或定额年金,因为流动性差。Low- and middle-income retirements did not select variable annuities or fixed annuities only because their low liquidity.

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后来实施新的养老金计发办法,养老金待遇与社平工资、个人账户相挂钩。Then the implementation of new annuities plan hair method, annuities treatment and club flat wage, individual account link.

瑞士再保险公司在其报告中预测说,对年金的日益重视将填补全球各地私人和政府退休金的缺口。In its report, Swiss Re predicts a growing focus on annuities to fill the gaps left by private and government pensions world-wide.

如今,劳工部和财政部正在仔细考虑是否应把年金加入退休金储蓄主流项目的提案。Today the Labor and Treasury departments are mulling over proposals for bringing annuities into the retirement-savings mainstream.

尽管如此,市场上还是有一些低年费且无佣金的可变年金产品,特别是那些富达投资和先锋集团的产品。Still, there are a few no-load variable annuities with low annual expenses, notably the offerings from Fidelity Investments and Vanguard Group.

它是世界上承保财产损失总金额最大的保险公司,同时也是教师和医务工作者退休年金的首要服务商。It is the world's largest insurer against property damage and the top provider of retirement annuities for schoolteachers and healthcare workers.

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我们猜测买入这些期权的应该是一些寿险公司,目的是确保同股市相关的保险责任有一个最低保障,比如年金保险。Our guess is that the option buyers were life insurers seeking to guarantee minimum payoffs on equity-linked insurance obligations, such as annuities.

鼓励、支持企业和员工参加企业年金和个人储蓄性养老保险。It shall encourage and support enterprises and their employees to buy the endowment insurance in the forms of enterprise annuities and personal savings.

公司建立、保护和经营知识产权资产,如专利、商标、版权、外观设计、年费、更新、法律咨询等。Valea AB establishes, defends, and commercializes IP assets such as patents, trademarks, copyrights, designs, annuities &renewals, legal counseling etc.