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门是朝里开的。The door opened inwards.

那扇沉重的门向内转去。The heavy door swung inwards.

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这个手势的手掌是朝里面的。That is a V with palm inwards.

向内折叠夹持滑轨。Fold the clamping rail inwards.

那门是朝里开还是朝外开?Does the door open inwards or outwards?

他的单人小室向内面对花园。His cell faced inwards over the garden.

这门朝里开还是朝外开?Does this door open inwards or outwards?

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那个窗户是向里开,还是向外开?Does that window open inwards or outwards ?

旋转车门锁闩销90?并向里拉。Swivel door latch snib by90? And pull it inwards.

因此,选择观念促使人们转而关注内心自我。And so the ideology of choice encourages people to turn inwards.

所述导杆的纸板输出端向内斜置。The inputting end of the guide rod is arranged crosswise inwards.

慢慢使手车向前移动,直到停止。Move sliding handles inwards against the springs to release withdrawable part.

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大家请看外环楼的墙体,他是随着高度的增加渐向内倾斜,形成下大上小、向心力强的墙体。Look, the outside circle tilted inwards as it went up and became the wall which is.

当我们见到人们乖张的个性,我们应内省反求诸己。When we see men of a contrary character, we should turn inwards and examine ourselves.

冰爪前齿是不对称的并且弯向内侧,这样设计可以使冰爪齿最大程度的与冰雪接触。The front points are asymmetrical and curved inwards to allow for maximum contact with snow.

淋浴室是如此小,门要开著,意味著向内又唔得向外又唔得。The shower was so small and the door opened inwards meaning it was hard to get in or out of.

在这紧闭着的双唇里面,八排牙齿全都朝里倾斜着。Inside the closed double lip of his jaws all of his eight rows of teeth were slanted inwards.

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当你呼气时,让你的腹部回收,同时要保证胸和肩膀不要动。As you exhale, allow your abdomen to move inwards while keeping your chest and shoulders still.

这种杯子的杯杆非常短,胖胖的杯身向上越来越窄,成一个气球形状。Sitting on a short stem this large fat glass tapers inwards at the top giving it a balloon like shape.

他们认为,任何年轻的类地行星都会在巨型气体行星向内迁移时被毁灭掉。Any young Earth-like planet, they thought, would be obliterated by the gas giant as it marched inwards.