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安,生日快乐。Happy birthday. Ann.

啦啦啦,今天是我的生日!Happy birthday to me !

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祝您生日快乐!Happy birthday to you!

这是加里的生日。It was Garys birthday.

它是艾丽丝的生日。It is Alice's birthday.

今天是您的寿诞之辰。Today is your birthday.

你的生日是哪天?When was your birthday?

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那思珊的生日卡呢?And Lulu's birthday card?

蜂蜡生日蜡烛?Beeswax birthday candles?

陈爸爸生日快乐!Happy Birthday Papa Chan!

我的旧历生日…Happy birthday to my Mum!

明天是他的生日。Tomorrow is his birthday.

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可那是我的生日蛋糕啊!But it's my birthday cake!

这是送给你的生日礼品。Here's your birthday gift.

我的生日是四月是九号。My birthday is april 19th.

那是你的生日啊。Oh was that your birthday.

天平座上,今天是你的生日。Go Libra its your birthday.

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富兰克大叔生日快乐!Happy Birthday Uncle Frank!

让我们唱一首生日歌。Let's sing a birthday song.

刘鹏的生日是什么时候?When is LiuPeng's birthday?