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我们不能从这些上面省钱。We can't shortchange those things.

他认为永远试图欺骗商业伙伴毫无意义。He sees no point in ever trying to shortchange business partners.

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我从来不会让我的听觉欺骗我的梦想,我只是现在还没有开始。I'd never let my deafness shortchange my dreams. I wasn't about to start now.

人们可能会试图用“经济”为借口,克扣你这个星期。People might try to use "the economy" as an excuse to shortchange you this week.

如果你现在在你的教育上偷工减料,未来你可能会一无所有。Shortchange your education now and you may be short of change the rest of your life.

在几百万人中,你有可能是那位无意中在睡眠中欺骗了自己的人。Chances are, you are among the many millions who unwittingly shortchange themselves on sleep.

如果你是个成就突出者,在你的优先清单上,很可能把放松排在后头,不要蒙混你自己。If you're an overachiever, you may put relaxation low on your priority list.Don't shortchange yourself.

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如果你是个成就突出者,在你的优先清单上,很可能把放松排在后头,不要蒙混你自己。If you're an overachiever, you may put relaxation low on your priority list. Don't shortchange yourself.

作为一名大学历史教授,我不能去欺骗这本书,所以我自己也读了一遍。As a college history major, I didn’t want to shortchange the book, so I took the time to read it for myself.

如果没有研究所有可能的解决方案,很可能会作出片面选择,有可能使用比所需更昂贵的解决方案。If all possible solutions are not investigated, you can easily shortchange yourself and possibly use a more expensive solution than was required.

IT基础设施项目现在有种缩短计划过程的趋势,强调马上动手开始工作。There is a tendency for IT infrastructure projects to shortchange the planning process, with an emphasis on jumping right in and beginning the work.

想想在闭上眼睛的五六个小时里你睡得好吗?在几百万人中,你有可能是那位无意中在睡眠中欺骗了自己的人。Think you do just fine on five or six hours of shut-eye? Chances are, you are among the many millions who unwittingly shortchange themselves on sleep.

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同时,约翰·麦凯恩将削减在教育、能源、创新领域的投资,导致美国下一代竞争力的减弱。Meanwhile, John McCain will shortchange investments in education, energy, and innovation, making the next generation of Americans less able to compete.

不要企图通过停止对你有很广泛和深刻自我反映的教育,不要在急匆匆成年的道路上欺骗你自己。Just don’t shortchange yourself in the process by rushing to adulthood, in so doing precluding education that is broad and self-reflection that is deep.

据财新报道,导游应该为其所有游客门票交全款,却和门卫合谋欺骗以分得赃款。According to Caixin, the tour guides, who should later have paid in full for the tickets, colluded with the guards to shortchange the museum and split the profits.

在比赛之前,你必须完成所有的事情—拿起电话,如厕的时候边和朋友聊天—这样能够减少热身的时间。With all the things you need to accomplish before your race starts—pick up your number, use the porta-potty, chat with friends—it's easy to shortchange your warmup.

与此同时,优秀的研究者指出,环保主义者不能因为负担不起大型区域性保护的费用,就牺牲掉目标物种的集中保护。At the same time, prominent researchers said conservationists cannot afford to shortchange large and regional protections at the expense of focusing on targeted species.

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然而,当地的一些居民和慈善机构认为,达拉维的重建将损害到这个地区成千上万的小企业。However, some local residents and charities argue that Dharavi's redevelopment will harm the community and shortchange the thousands of small businesses that operate there.