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我听说过金山书信通。I have heard about Kingsoft MailEasy.

金山打字通确实很易用。Kingsoft TypeEasy is really easy to use.

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你听说过金山软件公司吗?Have you ever heard of the Kingsoft company?

用的金山词霸哦!我的英文烂的很。With the Kingsoft Oh! My English is very bad.

我的英语是在金山词霸上学的。I am English that learnt to from the kingsoft.

我利用金山打字通学习五笔输入法。I learned Wubi entry with the help of Kingsoft TypeEasy.

1997年,金山词霸正式发布。In 1997, Kingsoft officially released Kingsoft Power Word.

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例句自从我买了电脑,我就开始使用金山毒霸。I have been using Kingsoft Antivirus since I bought my computer.

近年来,金山在国际化拓展方面成绩卓著。In the recent years, Kingsoft has expanded into oversea markets.

金山毒霸2009杀毒套装真的非常好呀!本人现在就用着金山呢!KingSoft Anti-virus 2009 Package Really! I now use the Jinshan it!

不懂的单词你可以用“金山词霸”。You can use"KingSoft PowerWord" if you cannot understand the words.

因此,我们2011年的测试将剔除金山软件。Because of this, Kingsoft will not be included in our tests in 2011.

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当时的求伯君和金山成了很多有志青年的楷模和目标。Qiu Bojun and Kingsoft became model and goal for many young people !

金山词霸云安全的选项是预设为“启用”默认。The option of Kingsoft Cloud Security is preset as "Enable" in default.

我工作中很多邮件都是由金山书信通辅助完成的。Many mails in my work were completed with the help of Kingsoft MailEasy.

金山软件正在更加宽广的范围内极力拓展网络游戏海外市场。Kingsoft is exerting its efforts to extend the overseas online games market.

它与金山词霸即时屏幕取词功能相似。It is similar to the Kingsoft instant screen word meaning capturing function.

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2008年5月8日,和金山合作推出了词典软件。May 8, 2008, launched its dictionary software which is a partner with Kingsoft

我们的民主,我们做主!我有一个计划,这将大大的影响金山。I have a plan, that will significantly influence the decision that Kingsoft makes.

金山词霸适用于所有级别的英语学习者。Kingsoft PowerWord is designed for people learning or practicing English at all levels.