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记得那时还剃了个光头。I remember that I was bareheaded then.

宝宝剃几个光头最好?。Darling shave a few bareheaded are best?

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他急忙脱下帽子,光着头气喘吁吁地站在那里。He snatched off his cap and stood bareheaded and panting.

他光着头,坐在家门口的护墙石礅上。Bareheaded , he sat upon the stone post at the door of his house.

他光着头站在路上,盯牢着她,很快地她就无影无踪了。He stood bareheaded in the road, watching her quick disappearance.

常到我们连队来的是团政委,知识分子出身、光头、矮个儿。One who came to our company often was the commissar, a short bareheaded intellectual.

应聘者在体检时需带近期免冠照片两张,以做体检证明。The job candidates need to carry two recently-taken bareheaded photos as the proof of the check-up.

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在这样的寒冷和黑暗中,有一个光头赤脚的穷苦小女孩正在街上走着。In the cold and gloom a poor little girl, bareheaded and bare-foot, was walking through the streets.

光头带什么颜色的近视眼镜好看?。The spectacles for nearsighted persons that what facial expression bareheaded brings is good-looking?

喝过汤,先生要求看她钱夹里的照片。原来钱夹里是他的一张免冠照片。After drinking, her husband asked to look at the picture in her wallet, originally it's his bareheaded photo.

晚饭前,我们在沙地上埋葬了老汤姆,在风中,我们脱帽肃立在他四周片刻。Before supper was eaten we buried old Tom in the sand and stood round him for a while bareheaded in the breeze.

维京人传统上不戴东西,或者戴着简单的皮制金属框架头盔,偶然会戴上面部护具。Vikings traditionally went bareheaded or wore simple leather and metal-frame helmets with the occasional face guard.

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面临前所未见的种种状况,光头强、熊大、熊二是继续对抗?A variety of situations that the place before be faced with did not see, is bareheaded strong, ursine is big, Xiong Er to continue to defy?

有一天,简丹在街上看到一个和潘龙长得一模一样的光头男人,故事的发展出人意表。One day, jian Dan sees on the street one grows with Pan Long exactly like bareheaded man, the development beyond all expectations of the story.

鉴定文书中应当有被害人正面免冠照片及其人体需要鉴定的所有损伤部位的细目照片。A bareheaded and full-faced photo of the victim as well as the relevant pictures that detail the injured parts shall be enclosed in the authentication documents.

除却乌鸦的叫声,还听到门内有一个人的一声叫喊,从硝烟后面出现一个没戴帽子穿长褂子的人影。Together with this sound, there rose a solitary human cry at the gate, and the figure of a man bareheaded , in a long peasant's coat, came into sight through the smoke.