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我并没有看见天使,没有听闻乐声,也没有炫目的光芒。Didn’t hear music. No blinding lights.

所以,对于这朵亮白色云的描写开始了这一张。So, the blinding white cloud begins this chapter.

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肃者在临死时用致盲的视线看见Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight

事实上,在灼眼的火焰熄灭的同时,森林就变化了。In fact, with the blinding torchlight gone, the forest

他拿起他的弓和枪杀,致盲丰耶阿在一只眼睛。He took up his bow and shot, blinding Feng Yee in one eye.

视觉障碍和炫目头疼是最糟糕的。The visual disturbances and blinding headaches were the worst.

泪水模糊了我的双眼,我无法看着他们开车远去。I couldn't watch them drive away as the tears were blinding me.

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伱的美丽像盛夏的光束一般一点点刺瞎峨。Your beauty is just blinding me. Like sunbeams on a summer stream.

男人向窗外望去,尽收眼底的是茫茫的大雪。As the man looked out the window, all he saw was a blinding snowstorm.

青光眼是一种破坏视神经的潜在性致盲疾病。Glaucoma is a potentially blinding illness that damages the optic nerve.

如果你用力打个喷嚏,那么,难以言状的疼痛会使你跪下来。If you sneeze too hard you'll be brought to your knees in blinding pain.

核爆炸会产生眩目的闪光、灼热和具有破坏力的强风。A nuclear blast produces a blinding flash, burning heat and crushing wind.

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单芽椭圆形开口的问题,为解决小致盲更好地交流。Single shoot oblong openings solve minor blinding problems for better flow.

我们认为这可能作为很多不同的致盲性疾病的一个平台。We think this could be a platform for a lot of different blinding diseases.

他们走近、拥抱,然后噗的一下就在一道炫目的光亮中消失了。They approach, embrace, and poof ! they disappear in a blinding flash of light.

叱咤风云的时候,时间是白金,是钻石,灿烂耀眼,光芒四射。When the hero commands the world, time is brilliant platinum, a blinding diamond.

当然,在一般情况下,太阳那眩目和光辉会使人看不见它背后远处的恒星。Of course, the blinding glare of the sun normally masks the distant stars behind it.

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沙子到处都是,充满你脸上的每一个毛孔。The sand is blinding and fills every orifice of your face to be spat out afterwards.

在一场倾盆大雨中我开着车,突然驾驶座这一侧的雨刷胶皮坏了。The windshield wiper blade on the driver's side quit while driving in a blinding storm.

四周雪花乱舞,象沙子发出丝丝的声音,我们还在滑雪。Snow whirled around us in bitter, blinding squalls, hissing like sand, and still we skied.