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如果得到证实,这一结论将代表第一个此类证据。If confirmed, this finding would represent the first such substantiation.

没有大样本的人群研究结果作为支持,研究本身就会产生一些问题。I would think that it's a problem without substantiation in large population studies.

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本文旨在评估欧洲公民实质化之前景。This article evaluates the prospects for the substantiation of "Europen citizenship".

这是对保守主义者不关心穷人这一陈词滥调的又一个经验证据,对吗?Thisis empirical substantiation for the old cliché that conservatives justdon't care about the poor, right?

这提醒了我其他类似语句销售人员应该避免没有用实例说明的,比如。And it reminded me of other similar phrases that reps should avoid without having proper substantiation , such as.

药品推广信息应能通过对已经批准的药品说明书或科学证据的引用而得到证实。Promotion should be capable of substantiation either by reference to the approved labeling or by scientific evidence.

宗教造像便是宗教艺术中雕塑的一个重要门类,它是各类宗教中神祗的物化呈现,是偶像崇拜的具体内容。The woodcarving art is a vital class of religious statuary. It is the substantiation of gods and the content of fetishism.

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这点是不用证明的,这次贝尔萨就让他充当核心并把他从防守中解放出来。It is not substantiation. Bielsa gave him the playmaker role and released from defensive duties as he played for the national side.

利用实际样本数据进行实证分析,训练结果表明网络预测误差小。A substantiation analysis has been made with many sampled data and training results indicate that the network prediction has less error.

本届年货采购节一方面让市民得到了实惠,更是一种做大旅游经济的很好尝试。This carnival has demonstrated not only the substantiation of benefits for citizens but also a milestone for large scale tourism economy.

但是暗指利用外部因素打击印度经济增长的理论仍需证实。To allude extraneous factors impinging upon India's growth in its economic stature is a theory that necessitates material substantiation.

零件为曲面较多的壳体件,三维造型中采用了“实体化”等高级工具,简化了操作。The components are multi-curved surface shells and advanced tools such as substantiation are adopted in 3D modeling, simplifying operations.

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语义是构造的产物,语义构造的过程,包括了在特定语境中的意向含义和含义充实两个方面。It is argued in the paper that sense is the product of construction, the process of which consists of intended sense and sense substantiation.

在广告创作的不同阶段,整理并提供必要具体的文件,以供广告审查及取得投放许可之用。Consolidate and provide the necessary substantiation documentation censorship review and approval during different phases of advertising creation.

在海德格尔后期关于形而上学的思考中,对物的直观而直达物化之境构成其理论主题。In Heidegger's later philosophical views about metaphysics, the direct viewing of substance and thereafter substantiation composed the theme of his theory.

疯狂的反文迪雅媒体恐吓病人离开这些药物,而没有确切证明其潜在的危险。Because it kicks off just the kind of anti-Avandia media frenzy that frightens patients off their meds, without real substantiation of the potential danger.

如果译者将引用的理论作为论据,任何富有感情的吸引力,无论偏向哪一方,都不可避免地影响总体效果。Any passionate appeal to either side, which would have been inevitable if one were to embark on a substantiation of a cited thesis, would compromise the overall effect.

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为给我国食物健康声称的循证过程提供依据和参考,介绍PASSCLAIM中的循证概念、过程和要点。The article introduced the evidence-based concept, process and procedure of PASSCLAIM, and provided evidence and references for substantiation of health claims in China.

但自我在世界中不可避免要遭遇实体化,而实体化自我导致了人类中心主义和人类普遍危机,因而自我之超越成为必然趋势。However, Ego cannot avoid encountering the substantiation which results in human-centralism and general human crisis. Therefore , there appears a necessary tendency to transcend Ego.

国际东西方大学为第一位标示以平等互惠原则结合东西文化与思想以改善与充实哲学与管理学课程内涵与其应用。The first international university to promote the integration and substantiation of important subjects of study from both East and West on the basis of "equal access" and "mutual enrichment".