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然后立即返回。I return immediately.

我立刻喜欢上了拜妲。I liked Baida immediately.

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他就立刻起来了。Immediately Aeneas got up.

立刻归回神。Return to God immediately.

他们立即如火熄。They'd immediately go out.

不宜马上用旺火翻炒。Do not stir fry immediately.

我得立刻就回家。I hafta go home immediately.

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她没有立即作答。She didn't awer immediately.

父亲立即整理行装。My father packed immediately.

那无花树就立刻枯乾了。Immediately the tree withered.

吴敏马上通知曹政。Wu Min immediately notify cao.

立刻与警方连络。Contact the police immediately.

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她的脸立刻变得通红。Her face crimsoned immediately.

她立即认出他来。She recognized him immediately.

他马上表示反对那个念法。He opposed the idea immediately.

即希见告。Hope to be informed immediately.

歌声立刻就停了。The singing stopped immediately.

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您是否会立即拔掉插头?Do you immediately pull the plug?

他很快就使那个小偷老老实实的了。He settled the thief immediately.

他立即发电报要儿子回来。He wired for his son immediately.